William Walker Atkinson – The Secret Of I AM

Many of us are accustomed to thinking of ourselves on the physical plane alone. When we think of the Ego—the “I” of ourselves, we picture it as a human body with organs ranging from the finest—the brain, down to those of coarser atomic structure.

Understanding the True I AM the “I” knows itself to be One with the “I” of all living creatures, and knowing this cannot manifest Hate, Fear, Envy, Jealousy—it cannot Despise or Condemn. These and other feelings of the old life drop from the person like a discarded mantle when “I” mounts its throne. “I” recognizes that others may not have progressed so far on the path as itself, but knows them to be but fellow travelers on the same road, who are doing the best they know how, considering their stage of the journey. “I” recognizes Ignorance—not Evil. “I” has but one feeling toward Mankind and the whole living world—LOVE. Aye, Love and Comradeship for even the last man, for it knows that that last man cannot be left out of the great scheme of Life.

“I” feels that it has existed from the beginning (if beginning there was) and will exist until the end (if end there be). “I” feels a keen pleasure in mere existence—in the NOW. “I” knows itself to be a part of the WHOLE THING—knows that the UNIVERSE is its home. “I” knows itself to be a tiny drop of Spirit from the Great Spirit Ocean; a ray from the Supreme Sun; a particle of the Divine Being, encased in a material body, using that body and a force called Mind, with which to manifest itself. “I” does not at present understand all things—far from it. It has not as yet been able to bring its tools to that degree of perfection. It merely knows that it IS, and has ALWAYS BEEN, and ALWAYS WILL BE.

Atkinson wrote a hundred books on new thought and esoteric principles that were incredibly practical, scientific and quite advanced at the time he wrote them. Not many people are aware that Atkinson is the actual writer of the Kybalion.