Understanding the Reality Inversion Technique In Reality Transurfing || EP 196

Importance can create balancing forces and is an important concept in Reality Transurfing. There are lots of methods to reduce importance.

What is my favorite? Reality Inversion.

Reality inversion is similar to the principle of coordination of intention. The only difference is that inversion is a more radical approach based on humor.

Vadim Zeland Explains

Reality moves its frames indomitably along the film roll of time. Holidays come and go. It is just a shame that they end so quickly. Hemingway was right when he said that life is a moveable feast that stays with you, although rarely does anyone manage to live that way. The moveable feast is unexpectedly lost somewhere along the way after which all life’s colors fade.

Emptiness and oppressive melancholy fill the space in the soul sometimes for obvious reasons and sometimes not. The worst part is that the world sinks into darkness swiftly and willingly whereas enlightenment emerges slowly with much anticipation.

The tendency of man for negativity has its murky way and an oppressed state results in which heart and mind agree how bad life is. When this happens outer intention steadily shifts reality into the darker areas of the alternatives space. The mirror responds quickly without hesitation or delay whereas enlightenment is then slow to appear because when a person feels depressed their attitude paints the layer of their world in ever darker shades.

Sometimes everything seems so dreadful that you do not have the energy to recall Transurfing or anything else. How are you supposed to break the vicious circle and straighten reality out? Generally speaking it is pretty difficult to do and yet, there is a radical method that can be applied called reality inversion.

Music by Mettaverse

“A New Beginning” ✧ 432Hz Tuning ✧ Ambient Meditation Music ✧ Help with Relaxing, Studying, Sleeping

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