As far as the eye can see, the mind project, and the spirit perceive, there is nothing but eternal and immutable law! Working with the tiniest unit of matter he can visualize, man observes that the atom has a nucleus and moving parts which circle this nucleus in never-ending motion. Working with the largest unit of matter which he can visualize, man observes that the Solar System has a nucleus and moving parts which circle this nucleus in never-ending motion.
How strange that the smallest and largest units we know are identical in their construction! Indeed, it is as if there were many mirrors in the mind, reflecting one eternal law in infinite gradations of size. No doubt the atom contains many atoms of its own. No doubt the universe is but a part of many increasingly greater universes. How small and lost we seem as we perceive the vast reaches of infinity. Yet all our perceptions exist in mind, and just as surely as we perceive them, we are the center of them.
Our premise is that thoughts make things; and in order to substantiate such a transcendent truth, we must turn to the beginning of all form. What is the one basic substance that permeates all space and all time? If we take apart a substance and discover atoms, and we take apart the atom and unleash energy, we must eventually say that the basic thing behind all form and all creation is energy.
What, then, is this energy? It obviously does not explode helter-skelter throughout all space, but rather becomes apparent only in matter or in movement, and always such matter or movement attains an intelligent existence or moves in an intelligent direction. The design and flow of all energy is such as to leave no doubt that basic and eternal in the universe are everlasting and immutable laws of action which alone account for the accumulation of substance into form. Inherent in these laws are movement and activation which set up the atom and the solar system alike, without regard to size. Indeed, lacking a specific viewpoint or a scale of relativity, the solar system and the atom are identical, as they assuredly must be in the Universal Subconscious Mind.
Uell Stanley Andersen (also known as U.S. Andersen and Uell S. Andersen) (September 14, 1917 – September 24, 1986) was an American football player and self-help and short story author during the 1950s and 1960s. He is best known for his book, Three Magic Words.
In Three Magic Words, Andersen makes the argument that the physical world is derived from the mental. He argues that a sustained mental image, if backed by faith (i.e. a belief that the image is real, or will become real), will become reality.
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