TNT: IT Rocks The Earth By Claude Bristol (Unabridged Audiobook With Commentary) || EP 491

One of the most powerful books ever published about the power of belief in achieving massive success was written by Claude Bristol. Legendary celebrities like Liberace and Phyllis Diller attribute their success to reading the book.

“I didn’t get my start until I was 37. It was very, very difficult for me.

I had a frequently unemployed husband and a house full of kids. My first advice to anyone is to read The Magic of Believing. It changed my life. Read it and absorb the ideas that he puts forth in the book. You won’t even think of your age or the obstacles in your way; you’ll think of your dream, and how to keep focused on your dream.”

– Phyllis Diller

That life-changing book started with the book you’re about to read: T.N.T.—It Rocks the Earth.

As Claude Bristol’s business associate wrote: “In T.N.T.—It Rocks the Earth, you are told exactly how to acquire a wonderful secret, that Power, or whatever you wish to call it, which, when accepted and developed through a process of right thinking, creates a philosophy of life which sweeps away all obstacles and brings that which every human desires: success, happiness and contentment.

Do exactly as he says, put his plan into operation—and I also promise you that almost over night you will be transformed and the things for which you have wished all your life will be yours. Your fears, trials and tribulations will fade into the mists. The door of yesterday will be closed forever. A grand and glorious feeling will engulf you and you will smile, and when you do, the world will smile with you.

I know it. I believe it and it is so.“

– Frank W. Camp

This 1932 hard-to-find classic will rock YOUR life!


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