Here we go over what the great Thomas Troward has to say in his book Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning about The Devil and the Antichrist.
It is impossible to read the Bible and ignore the important part which it assigns to the Devil. The Devil first appears as the Serpent in the story of “the Fall,” and figures throughout Scripture till the final scene in Revelations, where “the old Serpent, which is the Devil and Satan,” is cast into the lake of fire. What, then, is meant by the Devil? We may start with the self-obvious proposition that “God” and the “Devil” must be the exact opposites of each other. Whatever God is, the Devil is not. Then, since God alone is, the Devil is not. Since God is Being, the Devil is Not-Being. And so we are met by the paradox that though the Bible says so much about the Devil, yet the Devil does not exist. It is precisely this fact of non-existence that makes up the Devil; it is that power which in appearance is, and in reality is not; in a word, it is the Power of the Negative.
Thomas Troward was an English author whose works influenced the New Thought Movement and Mystic Christianity.
It is said Troward is extremely hard to read. His writing was often a combination of intuitive oriental mysticism filtered into a Western style that was typical of a legal mind; sometimes he used scientific jargon of his time and many of his writings had a Christian bent. Thomas Troward was a major influence on the worlks of Ernest Holmes, Frederick Bailes, Emmett Fox and Joseph Murphy, and is often quoted by numerous other writers, even outside of New Thought. Thomas Troward had a contributing influence to Religios Science, The New Thought movement in the United States and Great Britain, and even to some extent, to the more liberal ideas of the Church of England.
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