A classic Chinese text dating from the 6th century BC, the “Tao Te Ching” or “Book of the Way” consists of 81 short poems that unfold the spiritual nature of Taoism, one of the ancient Chinese religions. In describing the universal life force implicit in all things, this work shows readers a path that teaches contentment and balance. The simple language of Lao Tzu’s manual on the art of living, essentially encourages being humble, temperate, and considerate in the face of life’s predicaments. The wisdom of being a part of the Tao leads to a serenity of spirit that improves all aspects of human life, from the demands of work and family, to the dealing with life’s joys and difficulties. An essential for the meditation of Taoists for thousands of years, the “Tao Te Ching” is as beneficial and informative as it is enduring.
There are several translations for this I found Wayne Dyers to be the best.
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Music By Mettaverse
sound bath in a forest
aligning with the infinite
regenerating sleep
softly ascenning
replenish the whole self
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