The Science of Getting Rich is an all time classic, written in 1910 this will transform the way you look at getting rich. I have recommended this to so many people lately I decided why not narrate it with some killer music in the background. I try to listen or read this once a year. It may seem simple but rereading it I always find deeper levels. The most important lesson that this book will teach is that it is your spiritual duty to get reach it is a necessity.
Wallace Delois Wattles (/ˈwɑːtəlz/; 1860–1911) was an American New Thought writer. He remains personally somewhat obscure,[1] but his writing has been widely quoted and remains in print in the New Thought and self-help movements.
More importantly his message about moving towards creative thought and away from the competitive mindset is powerful. His message is profound an millions have resonated with the teachings of this book. Most recently I read Jen Sincero the popular self help author of You Are A Badass at Making Money swears by the teachings in this book.
For me this book transformed the way I think about money and it helped me to unlearn much of what I was taught about money growing up.
The music by Mettaverse is wonderful
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Music By Mettaverse
Healing Tranquility 111HZ better endorphins and cell regeneration
“Solstice” ✧ Revitalizing Ambient Music ✧ Return to the Light
“Light Quotient” ✧ Study & Focus ✧ Alleviate Stress ✧ Rife Frequency 492.8 Hz
528Hz – DNA Repair – Musical Mathematical Matrix of Creation
Tranquil Hang Drum Music ✧ 396Hz Solfeggio Scale
Through the haze Ambient blade runner tribute meditation 582hz
777hz deep relaxation
Tibetan singing bowls rain and thunder 432hz
Sea of Samsara Karmic Clearing
111hz the language of light balancing the light 444hz
Love the universal constant 111hz 444hz tuning
111hz The Heart of True Being
Into the Omniverse 963hz pineal gland activation
768hz throat chakra inspire creativity
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