The Revelation: A Commentary Based On The Study Of 24 Psychic Discourses By Edgar Cayce Part 1 (1-2) || EP 276

From the first century AD to these times the Revelation has fascinated and puzzled spiritual people. Its incredible imagery and often terrifying warnings have captured the attention of psychologsts, artists, homemakers, and rock muscians, and provided fodder for TV evangelists. In this amazing book, Edgar Cayce’s surprising interpretation turns the Revelation into a powerful study guide for all to use in spiritualizing body and mind. Cayce taught that “the visions, the experiences, the names, the churches, the places, the dragons, the cities, all are but emblems of those forces that may war within the individual in its journey through the material, or from the entering into the material manifestation [i.e., physical body and this world] to the entering into the glory, or the awakening in the spirit….” 

With this in mind we take a very different tour through the wonders of the Apostle John’s vision, a tour that actually has much to give us. Moving through the first several chapters of John’s vision we find guidance for awakening the best with us physically, and in the subsequent chapters John gives us insights for awakening the best within our minds. Ultimately this all leads us to new body and a new mind!

According to Cayce, the Bible tells the story of our souls’ journey (individually and as a group) from our creation in the image of God, through the fall from grace and the loss of the Garden, up through the struggles to regain that glory that was ours “before the world was.” (EC 1158-9 and John 17:5) The Revelation, according to Cayce, is a very special part of the great biblical story and should be studied as a kind of roadmap for the final spiritualization of our bodies and minds to fully reach our intended purpose for existence: eternal companionship with our Creator. 

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