God is all, but nevertheless, every day and almost every hour of every day we are faced with error in some form, and if we are to be free of these errors, it is necessary for us to understand the nature of error. Eventually in our meditation, we will become so consciously one with God that error will never come near us; it will fade away automatically even as we approach it. Until that time, however, let us not hesitate or fear to talk about the nature of error and what to do about it when we see evidences of it.
Everyone, regardless of what branch of metaphysics he has studied, has accepted, if only intellectually, the unreal nature of error. Therefore, in the working out of problems it becomes necessary for us to gain as much understanding as possible of the unreal nature of error so that it can be met and dissolved instantaneously. Error Is Never a Person, Place, Thing, or Condition
Joel Goldsmith
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