This episode I share the results of an amazing exercise we undertook in the facebook group Welcom To The Reality Revolution and the results of many in the group who shared their results in this excercise (If I mispronounce anyones name I am sorry)
Here is the exercise that we undertook
Class assignment 1 The reality revolution project. The I am god exercise
I have an exercise for you that I think is going to create something magnificent.
Use this post to share the results of this exercise and I may very likely read from this post for a future episode.
This is an exercise that I undertook that I found very powerful and you can see a reflection of the power in this exercise in the books the impersonal life and the door of everything.
Just think of it as a writing exercise but if it’s easier for you to use voice to text and try it that way. Just speak from the god voice as the I am saying you are the father creator.
Start writing that you are the creator and just whatever comes to mind write it down, for instance you could say
I am the light, I am the beginning and end. I am the wind and I am the sun you know me as God for I am God let me tell you my story.
Meditate on this as the writer.
If the word God bothers you then consider it from the universal mind. The conscious portion of the universe that is individualized as a single creating being. Consider that Joseph Benner and Ruby Nelson wrote these books using this technique.
Don’t question it don’t judge it just know that it’s a writing exercise and that’s all and please share it in this post I think something amazing is going to happen when you try this exercise.
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