The Founders How To Be Fifth Dimensional

All that is necessary in order for you to experience yourselves as fifth-dimensional beings is a letting go of attachment to that which you have always wanted to experience as a third-dimensional being. In our previous transmission, we had mentioned that you had passed over the threshold, but we were not clear about how it would still be possible for you to experience yourselves as third-dimensional beings.

So let us be very clear this time around. As fifth-dimensional beings, you have the ability to create whatever experience you want to create, including the experiences that are more third dimensional in nature. So when we say that you only need to let go, what we mean is that if you want to start living as a fifth-dimensional being, the choice is yours.

This is a collection of channelings from The Founders channeled by Daniel Scranton. You know Daniel from the Arcturian Council channelings. Daniel also channels a number of different entities including the founders.

It should be noted in previous episode that I read channelings from the founders by Sal Rachele. These are similar. These are focused on the transition into the fifth dimension.

As Maricris Dela- Cruz Scranton stated, “When I first became aware of Daniel’s channeling, it happened quite by accident when I was deleting friend suggestions Facebook was making that didn’t feel aligned for me. When I came across Daniel’s profile, something said, “Don’t delete him. Check it out.” In that moment, I knew there was something different about this Soul, so I followed my intuition and it led me to the most magical place – getting to know Daniel and his channeling even better.

This is from the book Channeled Wisdom From Higher Dimensional Beings

You can find Daniel at

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