The Arcturian Council – Creating Your Reality

The Arcturian Council are a ninth dimensional collective of beings who have evolved and ascended within the Arcturian Star System. By comparison, we are in the fourth dimension, and we are ascending to the fifth. The Arcturians no longer incarnate in physical bodies.They are consciousness, energy, light and love, and their desire is to be of service to humanity.

If you feel a particular fondness for the red giant known as Arcturus, the Arcturians, and/or the Arcturian Star System, it’s likely because you’ve incarnated there before.

These are the amazing channels of Daniel Scranton.

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Get a private channeled reading with Daniel & The 9D Arcturian Council here:

FREE Guided Meditation from Archangel Michael & sign up for Daniel’s emails here:

Learn to Channel Mega Course, starting Aug. 29th:

You can find Daniel’s youtube channel here