The Arcturian Council – A Beautiful Transition Into The Fifth Dimension

We are looking for the best possible avenues to traverse ourselves, as we know that we are moving into our own ascension experience, and we look to go with the flow of that ascension, just as you are looking for the best possible avenues for your personal development, your personal ascension. You will have your own unique experience of the ascension of humanity and Mother Earth. No matter what happens, yours will still be uniquely yours.

Even when you hear about the various predictions that are being put out there about ascension, everyone who experiences that prediction experiences something unique to them. Remember that you are deciding how you experience everything, and you are also deciding what you experience with your vibration.

The best way for you to feel into what you are creating in the future is to notice what you are vibrating in the present. And if there is something you don’t like about that vibration, then breathe into it until it dissipates, and then activate something that feels better within you. You are not destined to repeat your past or the history of your genetic line, because you are awake, and one of the things that you are awake to is that your vibration matters and that you can do something about it.

The Arcturian Council channeled by Daniel Scranton covers a variety of amazing topics related to your spiritual awakening.

You can find Daniel at

You can find a copy of this from Daniel’s book Ascension The Shift To The Fifth Dimension Volume 5