The 12 Lessons Of Raja Yoga Lessons 10-12: Harnessing The Subconscious || EP 521

It has taken me a long time apologies for the delay but we have finally finished the twelve lessons of yoga.  These last three sections are the best in the book and focus on the subconscious

In this lesson we wish to touch upon a certain feature of sub-conscious mentation that has been much dwelt upon by certain schools of western writers and students during the past twenty years, but which has also been misunderstood, and, alas, too often misused, by some of those who have been attracted to the subject. We allude to what has been called the “Power of Thought.” While this power is very real, and like any other of the forces of nature may be properly used and applied in our every day life, still many students of the power of the Mind have misused it and have stooped to practices worthy only of the followers of the schools of “Black Magic.” We hear on all sides of the use of “treatments” for selfish and often base ends, those following these practices seeming to be in utter ignorance of the occult laws brought into operation, and the terrible reaction inevitably falling to the lot of those practicing this negative form of mental influence. We have been amazed at the prevailing ignorance concerning the nature and effects of this improper use of mental force, and at the same time, at the common custom of such selfish, improper uses. This, more particularly, when the true occultist knows that these things are not necessary, even to those who seek “Success” by mental forces. There is a true method of the use of mental forces, as well as an improper use, and we trust that in this lesson we may be able to bring the matter sharply and clearly before the minds of our students.

This is the 9th in a series of lessons based on the powerful book:

check out the first here

A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga by Yogi Ramacharaka

#yoga #williamwalkeratkinson #rajayoga #theself

I considered narrating this entire book as one piece but it works better being separated into 12 parts.  This book consists of 12 lessons of Raja Yoga

These are the lessons,


LESSON II. The Ego’s Mental Tools

LESSON III. The Expansion of the Self

LESSON IV. Mental Control

LESSON V. The Cultivation of Attention

LESSON VI. Cultivation of Perception

LESSON VII. The Unfoldment of Consciousness

LESSON VIII. The Highlands and Lowlands of Mind

LESSON IX. The Mental Planes

LESSON X. Sub-Consciousing

LESSON XI. Sub-Conscious Character Building

LESSON XII. Sub-Conscious Influences

This is the TENTH through TWELTH lesson – Subconsciousing, subconscious Character Building and Sub Conscious Influences

This book is very powerful in helping to understand you true self and consists of a series of lessons designed to enlighten them regarding the nature of the Real Self, and to instruct them in the secret knowledge whereby they may develop the consciousness and realization of the real “I” within them.

Music by Mettaverse


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