The 12 lessons of Raja Yoga Lesson 4: Mental Control – Lessons and Meditation Exercises || EP 197

The first step toward Power consists in obtaining a control of one’s own mind. It holds that the internal world must be conquered before the outer world is attacked. It holds that the “I” manifests itself in Will, and that that Will may be used to manipulate, guide, govern and direct the mind of its owner, as well as the physical world. It aims to clear away all mental rubbish, and encumbrances—to conduct a “mental house-cleaning,” as it were, and to secure a clear, clean, healthy mind. Then it proceeds to control that mind intelligently, and with effect, saving all waste-power, and by means of concentration bringing the Mind in full harmony with the Will, that it may be brought to a focus and its power greatly increased and its efficiency fully secured.

Concentration and Will-power are the means by which the Yogis obtain such wonderful results, and by which they manage and direct their vigorous, healthy minds, and master the material world, acting positively upon Energy and Matter. This control extends to all planes of the Mind and the Yogis not only control the Instinctive Mind, holding in subjection its lower qualities and making use of its other parts, but they also develop and enlarge the field of their Intellect and obtain from it wonderful results. Even the Spiritual Mind is mastered, and aided in its unfoldment, and urged to pass down into the field of consciousness some of the wonderful secrets to be found within its area.

By means of Raja Yoga many of the secrets of existence and Being—many of the Riddles of the Universe—are answered and solved. And by it the latent powers inherent in the constitution of Man are unfolded and brought into action. Those highly advanced in the science are believed to have obtained such a wonderful degree of power and control over the forces of the universe, that they are as gods compared with the ordinary man.

This is the 4th in a series of lessons based on the powerful book:
check out the first here

A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga by Yogi Ramacharaka
#yoga #williamwalkeratkinson #rajayoga #theself

I considered narrating this entire book as one piece but it works better being separated into 12 parts. This book consists of 12 lessons of Raja Yoga
These are the lessons,


LESSON II. The Ego’s Mental Tools

LESSON III. The Expansion of the Self

LESSON IV. Mental Control

LESSON V. The Cultivation of Attention

LESSON VI. Cultivation of Perception

LESSON VII. The Unfoldment of Consciousness

LESSON VIII. The Highlands and Lowlands of Mind

LESSON IX. The Mental Planes

LESSON X. Sub-Consciousing

LESSON XI. Sub-Conscious Character Building

LESSON XII. Sub-Conscious Influences

This is the FOURTH lesson – Mental Control

This book is very powerful in helping to understand you true self and consists of a series of lessons designed to enlighten them regarding the nature of the Real Self, and to instruct them in the secret knowledge whereby they may develop the consciousness and realization of the real “I” within them. They are shown how they may cast aside the erroneous or imperfect knowledge regarding their real identity.

The Book talks on the internal world of the self. The real nature of the subconscious mind, the way to control it, how ego comes into play and most frequently asked questions like “Who am I” are attempted to answer.

The last part of this episode consists of exercises and meditations to help you prepare for the 5th lesson.

Please let me know if you enjoyed this and I will put these out faster. I have found it to be a powerful set of lessons.

Music by Mettaverse

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