Tag Archives: wealth affirmations

Vernon Howard – How Your Mind Attracts Prosperity || EP 1109

All of us realize that money-making is not the central purpose of life, yet it is an absolute necessity as well as a pretty wonderful convenience. Financial fullness enables us to provide better for the needs of those who depend upon us, also, it is man’s right to surround himself with as many luxuries and […]

Guided Meditation Invoking Telecosmic Power || EP 1079

Recently we read the wonderful book Universal Secrets of Telecosmic Power By Anthony Norvell.  This book had powerful affirmations. Using a technique linking the first two words to a larger affirmation.  Using Norvell’s recommened technique I read some of the affirmations from this book in a powerful meditative format. Meditation Begins 1:20 You can listen […]

How To Develop Your Psychic Powers By Anthony Norvell (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 1071

Discover a new method to help you achieve your innermost ambitions.  To attain this self mastery you must unlock the golden doors of consciousness and release the psychic power within your mind. – Mold and develop your destiny by using psychic precognition – Tune in on other peoples thoughts through psychic telepathy – Tap psychic […]

Universal Secrets Of Telecosmic Power By Anthony Norvell (Unabridged Audiobook With Commentary) || EP 1050

The secrets can bring you abundant wealth – and much more besides, like a beautiful home, land, jewels, a car or your own business, are all revealed here in easy to use form by the world famous Norvell, who for many years was the confidential financial advisor and spiritual mentor of some of the world’s […]

Guided Meditation – Unlimited Abundance Now (Catherine Ponder Affirmations) (Binaural audio) || EP 747

This meditation is dedicated to the amazing financial abundance affirmations created by Catherine Ponder. HEADPHONES SUGGESTED I use a binaural effect playing each affirmation separately in each ear allowing a deeper induction into your subconscious.  This is very similar to the large sums of money meditation with all new powerful affirmation to completely change consciousness […]

Guided Meditation Enormous Sums Of Money Are Mine || EP 726

This meditation is dedicated to the amazing financial abundance affirmations created by Florence Scovel Shinn.  I use a binaural effect playing each affirmation separately in each ear allowing a deeper induction into your subconscious.  This is very similar to the large sums of money meditation with all new powerful affirmation to completely change consciousness in […]

Guided Meditation 3: The Wealth and Abundance Meditation | EP11

45:15 Recast Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: higher self, abundance meditation, hypnosis, abundance affirmations, law of attraction, wealth meditation, yoga nidra, wealth affirmations, meditation, guided meditation EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary Brian created this meditation after receiving lots of requests for a guided wealth meditation, and also what he best affirmations to use […]