Tag Archives: vadim zeland

Understanding Physics, Synchronicity, And The Knowledge Of Ancient Magicians In Reality Transurfing || EP 248

To conclude I would like to go a little further in strengthening the ground under the mind’s feet. There is so much in Transurfing that seems incredible that alas, one has to keep explaining to the mind that it is all indeed real. Whatever model had been chosen to serve as a foundation for Transurfing, […]

Everything you ever wanted to know about Pendulums (in Transurfing) but were afraid to ask! || EP 220

On an energetic level a structure appears when a group of people think in the same way, as a result of which, the parameters of their thought energy are identical. Their thought energy finally unites into a single current. When this happens, as if in the middle of an entire ocean of energy, a separate, […]

Interview with Benjamin Sumohano – Exploring The Multiverse Of Reality Creation Literature || EP 208

Benjamin Sumohano is an impressively well read scholar with a broad knowledge of literature on the law of attraction, reality transurfing, Neville Goddard among many things. Benjamin is a moderator on the transurfing facebook page and over time I have come to respect his vast knowledge and I have learned a lot from him. It […]

Interview with Renee Garcia – Creating a Wave of Fortune For The New Decade || EP 200

Renee Garcia is an expert on Reality Transurfing. She has coached it and trained others how to use it and apply the principles in the real world. This is the second time I have had a chance to interview Renee and I thought it was a great way to start of the new year. You […]

Understanding the Reality Inversion Technique In Reality Transurfing || EP 196

Importance can create balancing forces and is an important concept in Reality Transurfing. There are lots of methods to reduce importance. What is my favorite? Reality Inversion. Reality inversion is similar to the principle of coordination of intention. The only difference is that inversion is a more radical approach based on humor. Vadim Zeland Explains […]

Understanding The Assemblage Point in Transurfing Through Casteneda & Mares The Science of the Plait || EP 190

In the book Tufti The Priestess, Zeland outlines several ways to activate the plait. But I still longed to understand this incredibly weird idea of the Plait. Many people have told me of the great success in using this technique. But I still doubted it’s existence even with my own powerful result. I have asked […]

Sleep Wealth Meditation Neville Goddard Raining Money || EP 182

NOTE: AS REQUESTED THERE IS NOT OUTRO SONG AT THE END OF THIS MEDITATION This is a sleep meditation designed around several Neville Goddard lectures including Many Mansions and All Things Are Possible. In those lectures Neville mentions a technique where his friend imagined that it was raining money and he could feel the money […]

Transurfing Out Of The Insecurity Labyrinth || EP 181

Do you struggle with insecurity or lack of confidence? How does this effect our ability to create reality? In Chapter 13 of Reality Transurfing – Coordination Vadim Zeland talks about the Insecurity Labyrinth Insecurity creates a vicious circle. The stronger the importance and desire, the deeper the insecurity. The tighter the grip of control over […]

Interview with Sunny Sharma of Personal Mastery Quest || EP 180

It was great to talk to Sunny again (https://youtu.be/0v9lPznDAFY). We got a chance to talk before and it was great to compare notes on our journey. We talk about Neville Goddard, Sadghuru, transurfing and a whole lot more. Check out Sunny’s channel here https://www.youtube.com/personalmaste… Check out his new course accelerated reality and a whole lot […]

Interview with Renee Garcia – “Queen of Transurfing and The Real Life English Tufti” || EP 156

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=”https://player.simplecast.com/d51f0146-8755-4f50-b339-d0601cf0b778?dar Renee Garcia is an expert on Reality Transurfing. She has coached it and trained others how to use it and apply the principles in the real world. I have been trying to interview you her for a while and I was elated to finally get a chance to […]