Tag Archives: vadim zeland

10 Minute Reality Shift Meditation || EP 968

This short meditation is designed to shift your reality in just 10 minutes. Don’t do this meditation unless you want to completely shift your reality The New Earth Activation trainings – Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channelings, meditations, advanced training and access to the new earth https://realityrevolutioncon.com/newearth […]

When Time Slips || EP 917

Have you ever experienced a time slip?  It appears you have entered into another section of time or you lose time for no known reason?  Time slips happen more frequently than you may suspect.  In this episode I discuss the research as to what might be happening. The New Earth Activation trainings – Immerse yourself […]

Guided Morning Meditation Surfing The Wave Of Fortune || EP 677

I designed this as an energetic meditation to do in the morning even with some qi gong and dancing.   Have you ever stubbed your toe in the morning? Ever notice that sometimes you have a string of events happen later like a flat tire or you spill your drink.   Ever notice how these […]

Egregores And Pendulums || EP 689

After researching the concept of pendulums in reality transurfing I began to question whether they were conscious. In the process I began researching the concept of egregores in occult literature. What I found really expanded my understanding of this powerful concept.  On an energetic level a structure appears when a group of people think in […]

Guided Meditation Reflections Of Inner Joy || EP 542

The whole world can be seen as a gigantic dual mirror. On one side of the mirror lies the physical Universe and on the other side of the mirror lies the metaphysical alternatives space. All around you is an intelligent 3-dimensional mirror that reflects back to you but tries to hide that it is a […]

Interview With Quazi Johir On Reality Creation And Entrepreneurship || EP 527

Quazi is a reality creation coach who has developed a highly successful system that allows for profound transformations in his clients through identity shifting and reality transurfing. He documents his success stories on his Youtube channel which has outstanding daily content. You can see it here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK5-hzSvMAPSSo2vH_LtNKw Quazi has a fascinating story growing up on […]

Advanced Plait Technique Training || EP 495

One of the most fascinating concepts we have discussed on the channel is the plait.  Tufti the priestess is where we first learned of this but after a year of practicing we now know more about this mysterious energy technique.   In my episode Understanding the Assemblage Point we expolored the origins of the assemblage […]

Guided Global Meditation Quantum Earth Jump Live With the QHC || EP 381

I was so excited to organize our first live global guided meditation. We had a large number of people come together and do this meditation.   I was blown away by the energy.   We activated the social memory complex   We activated the Merkaba we connected our plaits and we broadcast love and light over the planet. […]

Interview With Renee Garcia On Interviewing Vadim Zeland And New Adventures in Reality Transurfing© || EP 365

Renee Garcia is an expert on Reality Transurfing©.  She has coached it and trained others how to use it and apply the principles in the real world. I have been fortunate to interview her twice but I was excited to interview her again since she just interviewed Vadim Zeland. This was a great interview and […]

Every Crisis Is An Opportunity With The Advantage Method || EP 336

All religions and mythologies speak of the critical tests faced by great spiritual teachers before their final victory. The individual who became the Buddha faced a supreme crisis before he achieved enlightenment. As he sat underneath the Bodhi tree, he was visited by the great Mara, “Lord Desire” of illusion. This invidious entity first insisted […]