Tag Archives: thoughts

The Ancient Secret Of The Power Of Thought || EP 1528

It has been stated often, and quite truly, that thought is the greatest energy. History relates again and again how the destiny of mankind has been altered by new ideas, by the powerful thoughts of original thinkers. The vision of a united world led Alexander, Caesar, Genghis Khan, Napoleon and more recently Hitler into their […]

The One Law We Need To Know || EP 1323

There is one law supreme to this system of life. Sometimes we call it “the law of cause and effect.” Sometimes we speak of it as the method by which spirit passes into manifestation. Psychologists frequently speak of it as the law of suggestion. Every teacher of metaphysics spends his time either in giving his […]

Prentice Mulford – Spells And The Law Of Change || EP 478

A condition of mind can be brought on you, resulting to you in good or ill, sickness or health, wealth or poverty, by the action, conscious or unconscious, of other minds about you, and also through the thought suggested to you by objects or scenes about you. This is the secret of what in former […]

Prentice Mulford – Thought Currents || EP 445

“Love is an element which though physically unseen is as real as air or water. It is an acting, living, moving force… it moves in waves and currents like those of the ocean.” ― Prentice Mulford We need to be careful of what we think and talk. Because thought runs in currents as real as […]


Kundalini is a powerful energy that resides at the base of the tail bone, often represented by a snake twisting up the spine. In most people, this energy is dormant until something causes it to awaken. This can be induced through specific types of yoga, breathing exercises or chanting. in Hinduism is a form of […]

Quantum physics and consciousness | EP2

Quantum physics and consciousness  29:21 minutes Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: dispenza, meditation, fredericdodson, double slit experiment, dr. joe dispenza, thoughts, consciousness, law of attraction, vadimzeland, parallel realities, void, quantum physics, transurfing, creating your own reality EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary Brian explores the concepts of quantum physics, the double slit experiment, quantum […]