Tag Archives: thinking creates reality

Christian D. Larson The Art Of Getting What Is Wanted

We frequently hear the statement “I never received what I wanted until the time came when I did not care for it and did not need it.” This statement may in most instances be based upon an unguided imagination, though this is not always the case, because there are thousands of people who actually have […]

Christian Larson – How Mental Pictures Become Realities

Every thought is patterned after the mental image that predominates at the time the thought is created. This is another great metaphysical law and its importance is found in the fact that thoughts are things, that every thought produces an effect on mind and body, and that the effect is always similar to the cause. […]

Harold Sherman – How Your Thinking Helps Create Your Future || EP 1173

How does your thinking control your future? Does your thought have any control on the seeming randomness of events in your life. Here the great writer Harold Sherman explains in realistic terms how your thinking helps create your future. Harold Morrow Sherman (1898-1987) was world renowned in the field of psychic research, and conducted experiments […]