Welcome to “Guided Meditation: A Journey Through The 7 Densities of Consciousness,” inspired by the teachings of Ra in “The Law of One.” This meditation is a unique journey through the various levels of spiritual and cosmic awareness.
What to Expect: Duration: A serene 45 minute meditation through the billion year journey of […]
Tag Archives: the seven densities of consciousness
In the 1950s, there were many contactees who wrote books, gave lectures, and in general profited from their alleged private liaisons with extra-terrestrials. The most well-known of these contactees included George Adamski, Orfeo Angelucci, Major Wayne Aho, Truman Betherum, Dan Fry, Howard Menger, George Hunt Williamson, and George Van Tassel. Serious UFO researchers of this […]
There has been a lot of confusion in the explanation of the word density and what 4th density truly is as it is explained in the ra material and the law of one. Density is about complexity. Photons of light with a greater density of information. The densities of experience are a series of environments, […]
Don Elkins was an amazing researcher who was the catalyst behind the Ra Material. Prior to his death he began writing about the law of one. This is a short discussion and exploration of the implications and meaning of the law of one that ends up being a profound introduction and synthesis of this material. […]
This episode discusses the subject of Orion as it is described in the law o of one. The Orion group, according to the law of one is the group which represents the negative polarity One of the most complicated and advanced subject in the law of one material is the discussion of the Tarot. Ra […]
I am a huge fan of Aaron Abke, he has a tremendous channel where he talks about his spiritual awakening, the law of attraction, the law of one, the course in miracles and a whole lot more. With all the changes in the world I had to talk to Aaron again and get his […]
A variety of sources from the bible to Urantia, to Drunvalo Melchizedek have discussed that something happened in our distant past termed the luciferian rebellion. Is it a myth or is there more to it. Here we discuss what some channeled sources have to say about the Luciferian rebellion Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full […]
Ra: I am one of the members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator. There are approximately fifty-three civilizations, comprising approximately five hundred planetary consciousness complexes in this Confederation. This Confederation contains those from your own planet who have attained dimensions beyond your third. It contains planetary entities within your […]
Quo a member of the confederation similar to Ra was channeled by Jim Mccarty and Carla Rueckert after the original Ra sessions. This information is mindblowing. Here we discuss a host of topics including reincarnation and ascension and more For more on q’uo check out llresearch.org Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to […]
One of the most complicated and advanced subject in the law of one material is the discussion of the Tarot. Ra claimed that it spoke to the archetypes of the creator that influence your personality and soul path. The Law of One, also known as the The Ra Material, is a series of five philosophical […]