Tag Archives: the secret

Thought Vibration By William Walker Atkinson (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 961

”Thought Vibration” was writen in 1906 by William Walker Atkinson. The New Thought movement of the early 20th century vehemently believed in the concept of “mind over matter,” and one of the most influential thinkers of this early “New Age” philosophy promises to show you how to harness the extraordinary mental powers you already possess. […]

Neville Goddard Works Of Faith, Not Miracles || EP 957

Neville Goddard Works Of Faith, Not Miracles 1/22/65 A miracle is the name give by those who have no faith to the works of faith. So the important question is not did Jesus work miracles in Galilee, but is he miraculously present, miraculously potent now? The answer we give to the second question is the […]

Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill (Unabridged Audiobook- With Chapter By Chapter Commentary) || EP 913

THE PODCAST EDITION IS MUCH LOWER QUALITY DUE TO FILE SIZE. Be sure to check out the youtube version for better quality Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is the ultimate success classic, timeless, powerful and profound. This book changed my life. Once I read this book I was able to conceptualize a path […]

You Are The Source || EP 849

One of the most important things that you can learn is that you are the source of your prosperity. You are the source of your abundance. Believe you can have an abundance of money doing what you love to do. This podcast will help you move from where you are to where you want to […]

Robert Collier Manifest Anything Easily Using The Treasure Mapping Technique || EP 843

Collier presents several examples which are termed “Treasure Mapping.” The premise is simple, to create a map on a large piece of paper with words and pictures detailing every last item of an individual’s Dream, or true Desire. Including as much detail as possible is highly desirable. You can have anything you want if you […]

The Secret Magic Of Service || EP 787

How may I serve others so that they may have what I desire? The answer to this seemingly contradictory question holds the key to authentic inner peace. Many callers to my radio show are struggling with fears, worries, and concerns that stem, as they see it, from unfulfilled desires. I usually suggest that they try […]

Neville Goddard The Pure In Heart || EP 714

Neville Goddard The Pure In Heart March 1 1963 Tonight’s subject is “The Pure in Heart.” I think you are all familiar with it, the sixth beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). I dare say that it would be unwise to pick and choose among the beatitudes, […]

Neville Goddard The New Idea Against The Old || EP 706

The New Idea Against The Old Neville Goddard 3/31/67 I think you’ll find tonight very, very practical, also very spiritual. We’re all searching for the cause of the phenomena of life, everyone ___(??). It’s called in scripture the Father. Man will discover this after the entire story as given to us in the gospel is […]

The Magic Of The Mind: How The Conscious & Subconscious Minds Work (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 701

This was a booklet that I found that really explained how the subconscious works written in 1916 by the key to success. Your subconscious mind is a powerful force to be reckoned with. It makes up around 95% of your brain power and handles everything your body needs to function properly, from eating and breathing […]

Neville Goddard It Is Within || EP 656

Tonight’s subject is “It is Within.” As we are told, the kingdom of God is within you and the kingdom of God contains all; there is nothing outside of the kingdom. These words were addressed to us individually. You mean that you seated here, a small little person, within a room much bigger than yourself, […]