Tag Archives: the secret

The Great Awakening Has Begun With Mike Dooley, Lyssa Royal Holt and Daniel Scranton

I was honored to get a chance to talk with Mike Dooley, Lyssa Royal Holt and Daniel Scranton and to hear two different channelings discussing the great awakening. I also got have an in depth discussion from Mike, Daniel and Lyssa about the great awakening and how we can navigate through this new earth. In […]

Mike Dooley The Great Awakening

I finally got a chance to interview Mike Dooley! Mike Dooley is a New York Times bestselling author, speaker, and entrepreneur in the philosophical New Thought movement. His teachings contain the premise that our “thoughts become things,” an expression he made popular in Rhonda Byrne’s book and video documentary on the Law of Attraction, The […]

The Art Of Manifesting Anything

We have read and discussed Neville Goddard for many years now. Yet we continue to learn from his many teachings. The one key point we know is that you can manifest anything. In the study of Neville Goddard’s teachings on manifestation, it becomes clear that the path is full of potential obstacles that must be […]

Dr. Joseph Murphy – The Master Secret Of The Ages (with Meditation)

Man is looking everywhere for God, not knowing that when he says “I Am” he is announcing the presence of the Living God within himself. This is called the master secret of the ages, sometimes referred to as the lost word. “I Am” means Being, Life, Awareness, The Presence of God in man. It is […]

Manifesting Every Moment

In the realm of manifestation there’s an ever-present temptation to seek out quick fixes and magical techniques. We’ve all been there – searching for that one secret method that will instantly transform our lives, bring us wealth, perfect health, or the ideal relationship. It’s a natural human tendency, driven by our desire for immediate results […]

Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill (Unabridged Audiobook – With Commentary) no music

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is the ultimate success classic, timeless, powerful and profound. This is a special no music edition available for free for a limited time, prior to being released on audible. This book changed my life. Once I read this book I was able to conceptualize a path toward achieving […]

How To Create Your Reality

You can create your reality. The essence of creating your reality is not a secret kept in the shadows, but a truth as old as time, waiting to be rediscovered and wielded with intention and precision. We have discussed ways to create your reality in hundreds of episodes on my podcast, we have covered reality […]

Scripting To Create Reality

Have you ever considered the possibility that you could script out your reality? That’s what scripting is all about. It’s about using the tools writing – narrative, character, dialogue – to craft the life you’ve always wanted, not just on paper, but in reality. At its core, scripting is the practice of writing down detailed […]

US Andersen – The Greatest Magic Of All || EP 1632

There is a hidden cause of all things, hidden because it is not visible, invisible because it takes no special form, fits no special description. It lies eternally and omnisciently behind the consciousness of every living thing, and it determines all fates, all consequences, all conflicts and resolutions. It is not thwarted in a single […]

Max Freedom Long – The Secret Within The Secret || EP 1617

When he arrived in Hawaii, Max Freedom Long, an elementary school teacher claimed that some Native Hawaiians were practicing what he called magic. Long wrote that at first he was skeptical of this magic, but later became convinced that it worked. He devoted the rest of his life to creating theories about how the Native […]