We notice when you are struggling there on Earth with a particular subject, a topic that seems to haunt you in your day-to-day lives. And we know that you probably notice them as well, and you call them your issues. You say you are struggling with a particular issue, and it is true that you […]
Tag Archives: the creators
We invite you to experiment now. Think of a desired reality you wish to experience. Rather than seeing it as a future possibility, feel it as an existing timeline stream. Feel its unique frequency signature. Now, through the power of resonance, begin to align your current vibrational state with that reality stream. The key to […]
The luminous collective is a group of higher selves, higher dimensional beings identified as the luminous collective. I started channeling them through my higher self while doing automatic writing. I began feeling a contact while reading other channelings and began hearing their presence in the shower so I began writing down there words I asked […]
You are making your way through different energies at this time, some of which are to your liking and some of which are not. Remember who you really are, and do not be afraid of the energies that you do not prefer. They are not there to be judged by you. They are not there […]
“By now, you understand the true nature of your being. You are aware and you are awake. And in some ways, there is nothing left to do. There is nothing that you must achieve. There is no series of steps that you must perform. We want you to give yourselves credit for having woken up […]
Start out with the assumption that you are a being of Divine Love and Light. Then proceed from there. This assumption can be made no matter what the situation you are faced with. It is not something to pull out of your bag of tricks only when you feel that it is absolutely necessary to […]
“The level of consciousness that you hold is the most appropriate for this dimension. So you are not doing anything wrong by being here at this time, by experiencing third and fourth-dimensional realities. It is not because there is something that is going wrong with you that you are focused here at this time, because […]