Tag Archives: the 9th dimensional arcturian council

The Arcturian Council – Tapping Into 5D Power

You are awakening part of your consciousness that have been dormant for quite some time, and as you awaken these aspects of yourself, you are going to notice that you have access to more of your power. You are powerful, masterful beings who have been limiting yourselves on purpose in order to create third-dimensional experiences […]

The Arcturian Council – Your Higher Mind

You have begun to explore the synchronicities that are leading you down a path that will ultimately take you to the discovery of your higher mind. You have a mind that operates with your higher self, a fifth-dimensional mind that can see the bigger picture and is not limited in the same way that the […]

The Arcturian Council – Stepping Into Your Power

It is time for all of you who are awake to be the changemakers that you came here to be. One of the easiest, and yet most effective, ways that you can do this is by being responsible for your own lives. Take responsibility for your creations. Be aware of what you are feeling, what […]

The Arcturian Council – Your Place In The Cosmos

You are assisting the rest of the galaxy by tuning in to the energies that are inside of you. You have aspects of you, energetically and physically, that come from other parts of the galaxy, other star systems. And so as you tune in to what is inside of you, and you create a balance […]

The Arcturian Council – Your Galactic Connections

We have been extending out an invitation to each of you to connect with us, and in so doing, to connect with the Arcturian that is within you. You are Arcturian and Pleiadian. You are Sirian and Andromedan. You are Lyran, Cassiopeian, and also from Orion. You are not just one. You are all, and […]

The Arcturian Council – Jumping Timelines

The Arcturian Council are a ninth dimensional collective of beings who have evolved and ascended within the Arcturian Star System. By comparison, we are in the fourth dimension, and we are ascending to the fifth. The Arcturians no longer incarnate in physical bodies.They are consciousness, energy, light and love, and their desire is to be […]

The Arcturian Council – Creating Your Reality

The Arcturian Council are a ninth dimensional collective of beings who have evolved and ascended within the Arcturian Star System. By comparison, we are in the fourth dimension, and we are ascending to the fifth. The Arcturians no longer incarnate in physical bodies.They are consciousness, energy, light and love, and their desire is to be […]

Daniel Scranton – Channeling Higher Dimensional Beings

Daniel Scranton is a verbal channel, spiritual teacher, and sound healer. He has been channeling the 12th-dimensional, non-physical collective known as The Creators since the Fall of 2010. Since then, a wide array of other guides and collectives have spoken through him. Some of those include: Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Quan Yin, Yeshua, The Hathors, […]

The Arcturian Council – Creating New Timelines

The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Volume 1: The Arcturian Council You may remember these books when Barry at giving voice to the wisdom of the ages read these works. This groundbreaking work is one of the most important channelings as we enter the fifth dimension and the new earth. As Maricris Dela- Cruz Scranton […]

The Arcturian Council – The Shift To The Fifth Dimension

I am beyond excited to get permission the amazing channelings of Daniel Scranton and his amazing paradigm shifting work. You may have heard of his books, Today we are reading from: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Volume 1: The Arcturian Council You may remember these books when Barry at giving voice to the wisdom […]