Tag Archives: subconscious mind

Breaking Free From The Matrix And Manifesting

Reality as we know it is both more and less than what meets the eye. The world we experience through our physical senses—the one we’ve been taught to believe is solid, unchangeable, and absolute—is in fact a sophisticated illusion, a construct that many ancient wisdom traditions and modern spiritual teachers refer to as “the matrix.” […]

Guided Meditation – Infinite Manifestation Loops

This is based on a powerful concept first detailed by Richard Dotts for how you can manifest anything. At another level you can write programs into the matrix of reality that will provide any thing you want on a loop. Let me take you into the non mind where we can set up recursive manifestation […]

RJ Spina Accessing Super Consciousness

“My body was destroyed, but I was free. It was as if my old operating system of awareness had been replaced with a greatly enhanced model with far greater receptivity, bandwidth, and processing ability. I knew immediately and precisely how I would heal myself. I was in a state of Grace and cosmic consciousness. I […]

The Power Of Parables

With the right parable, you can step into a story so vivid, so real, that it becomes a blueprint for your own transformation. This is the essence of the power of the parable. It’s a revolutionary approach that combines the ancient wisdom of parables with the modern understanding of visualization techniques. Parables can be an […]

RJ Spina – You Can Heal Anything

Join RJ’s Supercharged Self-Healing Live Workshop in Dallas, Texas July 26-28, 2024https://www.ascendthefrequencies.com/healing-workshop-dallas24 For questions about attending the event or other programs please contact RJ’s team directly:https://www.ascendthefrequencies.com/contact It is always good to speak with RJ and in this interview we focus on healing. You can heal anything! RJ Spina has devoted his adult life to teaching […]

Brain Waves – The Five Levels Of Brain Consciousness

The human brain is a complex and fascinating organ that has captivated the minds of scientists, philosophers, and spiritual seekers for centuries. At the core of our brain’s activity are the electrical impulses known as brain waves. These oscillating patterns of neural activity are not only responsible for regulating our daily functions, such as attention, […]

Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill (Unabridged Audiobook – With Commentary) no music

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is the ultimate success classic, timeless, powerful and profound. This is a special no music edition available for free for a limited time, prior to being released on audible. This book changed my life. Once I read this book I was able to conceptualize a path toward achieving […]

How To Create Your Reality

You can create your reality. The essence of creating your reality is not a secret kept in the shadows, but a truth as old as time, waiting to be rediscovered and wielded with intention and precision. We have discussed ways to create your reality in hundreds of episodes on my podcast, we have covered reality […]

Infinite Manifestation Loops Through NOT MIND

was incredibly inspired by a really wonderful writer Richard Dotts and in particular his book infinite manifestation loops he discusses a concept called the not mind and infinite recursive manifestations. I have been working on this for a while and this may be a bigger game changer that transfurfing when you understand and use its […]

RJ Spina – The Cheat Code To Reality Revealed

I have had the wonderful opportunity to interview RJ Spina several times and each time it gets better and better.This time we just wanted to talk and thought it would be a cool idea to record our conversation RJ Spina has devoted his adult life to teaching people how to raise their frequency, improve the […]