Tag Archives: stargates

Q’uo – The Yom Channelings

During The Q’uo Sessions LL Research has had a number of interesting guest channelings from the confederation. We have explored several of these in past episodes from Hatonn to L/Leema. Today we explore Yom, an entity who appears to specialize in scientific, math and geometric information. A number of fascinating questions are asked unlike any […]

Q’uo – On Sexual Energy Transfer

March 9 2024 Topics: Pursuing and becoming aware of sexual energy transfer; personal experience in sexual energy exchange; being an individual channeler; reprogramming preincarnational programming during the incarnation; how do we know what is part of the preincarnational plan; ringing in thine head; seemingly losing a state of high vibration; is use of the hands […]

Q’uo -On The Law Of Attraction, Stargates And Black Eyed Children

November 23, 2023 Topics: The Law of Attraction; star children; stargates; postpartum psychosis; the aliveness of stone; building the great pyramid; financial gifts; DNA; reincarnation; second-density graduation; service to children; transition to fourth density; interaction with ETs; administering medications to the dying; timelines; alternative healing; germ andd terrain theories; conserving sexual energy; value of past-life […]