This is the Fifth Dimensional Activation. The transition from third to fifth dimensional consciousness is like upgrading from black and white to full spectrum color vision. In 3D reality, we experience linear time, separation, and limitation. But 5D consciousness opens up to unity, possibility, and the infinite nature of Now. Your mind naturally knows how […]
Tag Archives: spiritual ascension
We stand on the precipice of a monumental shift in the very fabric of our reality. As we transition into the fourth density environment, a new world of possibilities, powers, and responsibilities is unfolding before us. This handbook serves as a guide for those who wish to navigate this new landscape with a heart-centered approach, […]
Welcome, dear starseed, to this transformative journey of awakening and embracing your true cosmic heritage. If you have found yourself drawn to this episode it is likely that you have already begun to suspect that there is more to your existence than meets the eye. You may have felt a deep, inexplicable longing for the […]
This is the starseed activation. This is designed to finally activate the starseed within you. If you have found this video it is likely you are a starseed and you were intended to listen to this. This requires no complicated meditation simply listen and your starseed DNA and abilities will begin the activation process. Your […]
A number of authors have discussed the idea that our transition into a new earth brings with it changes in our body. There are physical symptoms that many experience in their ascension process. Much like flying an airplane makes your ears pop there is a good amount of discussion of symptoms that occur during ascension. […]
Have you ever woken up outside of your body? Have you found yourself walking around your house while you sleep. As you lie in slumber, your spirit body snaps free and drifts upward while your physical shell is left lonely on the bed below, connected only by a fragile, silvery cord. You turn and observe […]
I just loved this interview with Waxela Sananda an amazing ascension coach. Some of the stories that Waxela shared are mindblowing. They seemingly come out of a twisted science fiction film. She shared her own personal experiences with walk ins, starseeds, alien encounters and so much more. Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda is a Quantum Embodiment Coach, […]
This meditation originated from a live 3 day seminar in October which was created with the intention of activating the new earth. Many times on this podcast we have discussed the concept of the social memory complex. Folowing our first meditation activating the social memory complex this episode takes this process further with the […]
This meditation originated from a live 2 day seminar in October which was created with the intention of activating the new earth. Many times on this podcast we have discussed the concept of the social memory complex. In the ra material, we are introduced to the concept of the social memory complex. A term […]
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