Tag Archives: specters

Astral Influences And Entities || EP 786

Here we explore theosophical and occult writings on the subject of astral influences and those entities that exist the realm of the astral plane. There are a variety of invisible entities that may play a role in our reality and here we get a breakdown of these entities “It has been ordained that man, like […]

Unseen Forces: Nature Spirits, Thought Forms, Ghosts and Specters By Manly P. Hall (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 719

Unseen Forces: Nature Spirits, Thought Forms, Ghosts and Specters By Manly P. Hall (Unabridged Audiobook) This book by Canadian-born mystical writer Manly P. Hall comprises of a series of lectures on nature spirits, thought forms, ghosts and specters, the dweller on the threshold. I enjoyed his style of writing, the histories and from where these […]