Tag Archives: rt

Understanding dreams || EP 523

For thousands of years, humans have contemplated the purpose and the meanings of dreams. In ancient times, dreams were often viewed as premonitions of the future. Mystery surrounded the sleeping state, and those who were able to interpret dreams were often held in high regard. Even the Bible is packed with dream stories in which […]

Frank Rudolph Young Mentally Dominate Yourself With The Khudd Ozonta || EP 508

There are lots of ways in which you can be dominated through subtle and not so subtle techniques used by individuals, groups and pendulums. Frank Robinson Young was a post new thought author who was a chiropractor and bodybuilder who wrote several books.  In his book the laws of mental domination he discusses the process […]

Prentice Mulford – Spells And The Law Of Change || EP 478

A condition of mind can be brought on you, resulting to you in good or ill, sickness or health, wealth or poverty, by the action, conscious or unconscious, of other minds about you, and also through the thought suggested to you by objects or scenes about you. This is the secret of what in former […]

Imelda Octavia Shanklin – You Are What You Think || EP 436

This remarkable book describes what life is like if it is lived from the point of view of directly knowing our true nature, our oneness with God. This spiritual maturity then shapes how we think and what we choose to think about and what we consider real and worthy of our time and energy. It […]

Understanding Dreams ||EP 364

For thousands of years, humans have contemplated the purpose and the meanings of dreams. In ancient times, dreams were often viewed as premonitions of the future. Mystery surrounded the sleeping state, and those who were able to interpret dreams were often held in high regard. Even the Bible is packed with dream stories in which […]

Carlos Castaneda Understanding Recapitulation || EP 327

What is Recapitulation? As used here, recapitulation is an ancient technique for retrieving energy, prevent energetic loss and healing energetic injuries. The term is used in other contexts to refer to the hypothetical development of the embryo of an animal, from fertilization to gestation (ontogeny), through stages representing successive stages in the evolution of the […]

Guided Meditation: Quantum Jumping Into Vibrational Timelines In The New Earth || EP 319

Quantum Jumping Into Vibrational Timelines In The New EarthMeditation Starts at 6:17. Using techniques we have developed over hundreds of episodes and combining them this meditation combines, heart coherence, Tony Robbins fire breathing, Dr. Joe Dispenza breathing techniques, the Neville Goddard Explosion Technique and Vadim Zeland’s Plait Technique. By combining these and using some incredible […]