Tag Archives: reality revolution

Neville Goddard The Last Days || EP 462

Tonight’s subject is “The Last Days.” One would from the title think that we are prophesying the end of the world, but we are not. Man thinks that history is moving towards an inevitable climax of good in this world, but that climax has already occurred. In the words “It is finished,” the new age […]

Prosperity Through Thought Force by Bruce Maclelland (Unabridged Audiobook With Commentary) || EP 461

Prosperity Through Thought Force by Bruce Maclelland 1907. This magical little book tells how one man, of less than average ability, and who had failed over and over again in all he did, discovered and began using Universal Principles. By doing so he was able to totally turn his life around. Bruce MacLelland shares how […]

Guided Meditation The Feel Good Meditation || EP 460

Meditation starts at 1:42 Approximately 40 minutes. As Neville Goddard says, the feeling is the secret.  Feelings are the key to reality creation.  You can create amazing feelings though meditation.  Here we access deeply good feelings. Use this meditation anytime you want to feel good. You will never feel better. Welcome to the reality revolution […]

Madeline C. Morris – The Amazing Power Of Solar Kinetics || EP 459

One is the center of our entire planetary system — the sun. The other is the limitless power of your own mind. Combine these two dynamic forces and you have the most powerful energy known, called Solar Kinetics, at your command, ready to bring your wildest cravings and desires to you from the cosmic world! […]

Interview with Pamala Oslie – On Auras and Parallel Universes || EP 458

Interview with Pamala Oslie – On Auras and Parallel Universes Pamala has appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, The Dr. Oz Show, The View, The Ricki Lake Show, Coast to Coast with George Noory, Hallmark’s Better TV, Gaiam TV with Lisa Garr, and many other television and radio shows. She has also been featured […]

Uriel Buchanan – The Heart Of Being (Unabridged Audiobook) || EP 457

This is a wonderfully obscure and magical book that once I found it I had to read it because it was so beautiful. Very little is said about Uriel Buchanan, she was a student of Swami Vivikenanda. She wrote two books, Heart of Being and The Mind’s Attainment Here is a sample of the beginning […]

Q’uo On How To Access Your Guides || EP 456

Q’uo is a channeled entity that provides knowledge similar to the law of one but in many ways is easier to understand. Here we see what Q’uo has to say about your guides, who they are and how to access them. In the case of the Ra contact, the transmission of information/energy was a narrow […]

Charles F. Haanel – Transmutation And The Gateway To Infinite Power || EP 452

Abundance  is  a  natural  law  of  the  universe.  The  evidence  of  this  law  is  conclusive;  we  see  it  on  every  hand. Everywhere  Nature  is  lavish,  wasteful,  extravagant.  Nowhere  is  economy  observed  in  any  created  thing. The millions and millions of trees and flowers and plants and animals and the vast scheme of reproduction where the […]

US Anderson The Hidden Cause Of All Things || EP 451

THE HIDDEN CAUSE OF ALL THING SHAKESPEARE’S Hamlet in his famed soliloquy pondered, “To be or not to be,” and thus faced squarely the primary challenge of life. Most people only exist, never truly are at all. They exist as predictable equations, reacting rather than acting, walking compendiums of aphorisms and taboos, reflexes and syndromes. […]

Robert Anton Wilson And Timothy Leary – The Eight Systems Of Consciousness || EP 447

Robert Anton Wilson And Timothy Leary – The Eight Systems Of Consciousness “To understand neurological space, Dr. Leary assumes that the nervous system consists of eight potential circuits, or “gears,” or mini-brains. Four of these brains are in the usually active left lobe and are concerned with our terrestrial survival; four are extraterrestrial, reside in […]