When I was contacted for an interview with Anca Mazilu from TVR1 in Romania I was so blown away by the fact that people in Romania were even interested! I found this to be an an engaging and enlightening interview and we can see that the people of Romania are starting to awaken as is […]
Tag Archives: reality revolution
One of the most fascinating concepts we have discussed on the channel is the plait. Tufti the priestess is where we first learned of this but after a year of practicing we now know more about this mysterious energy technique. In my episode Understanding the Assemblage Point we expolored the origins of the assemblage […]
I promise you if you apply it in the immediate present, you’ll see the results. It’s based upon dreams. The Bible recognizes only one source of dreams and that source is God. But today, in l963, our doctors, our psychiatrists know that the source of a dream is Imagination and so they will say, no, […]
Yahweh as discussed in the bible may have a different origin than you think. In the original Law of One Material there is a discussion of Yahweh being two different entities. One who saved the souls from Mars after its destruction and one is the originator of the ten commandments. Here we go over what […]
In our booklet, “THE WAY OUT” was pointed the way to freedom from lack, limitation, in harmony, disease and unhappiness, and there is no excuse for any who faithfully follow the suggestions given to be any longer in such condition. The booklet has reached scores of thousands of readers and many have been lifted by […]
Why do we allow anticipated joys to blind us to those that are close by The only way to be happy is to take advantage of the little opportunities that come to us to brighten life as we go along. To postpone enjoyment day after day and year after year, until we get more money […]
There is a vast tidal wave of cosmic power that ebbs and flows throughout the interstices of the universe. It is this creative intelligence of the Cosmic Mind that created all things and which sustains the universe. When you once learn how to tap the divine mind power currents of the cosmos you will be […]
This is the Spirit of Infinite Plenty, the Power that has brought, that is continually bringing, all things into expression in material form. He who lives in the realization of his oneness with this Infinite Power becomes a magnet to attract to himself a continual supply of whatsoever things he desires. If one hold himself […]
Here is the kindle link to this wonderful book Life Without Limits, it has so much more than this episode https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08J4274P5/ Robert B Stone was an amazing writer and helped propel the silva mind control technique to the world. He wrote several amazing books Check out my previous episode miracle metaphysics power where we discussed […]
The Law of One, also known as the The Ra Material, is a series of five philosophical monographs published between 1982 and 1998 by Schiffer Books. The books purportedly were authored by a non-human intelligence named Ra through the process of channeling, in which Don Elkins acted as the questioner, Jim McCarty as the scribe […]