Tag Archives: reality revolution

Q’uo – On The Mysteries of Human DNA || EP 865

The long history of your peoples is preceded by an even longer, unwritten, unrecorded history of those energies and essences and individuals that made their own history at the time of what this instrument would call the last cycle change, or ice age. These entities were plummeted into service of a high second-density nature by […]

Guided Meditation Become The Field || EP 864

You are not a solid. You are a vibration. You are an energy field that has connections to absolutely all other energy fields in the universe. You are connected to them through a series of orders of magnitude and reality – Q’uo -2002 This meditation is designed for you to blend into the field, for […]

Rediscovering Your Supersense || EP 863

You have, perhaps often, used one of the greatest powers of your mind. You have used it and have perhaps wondered a little about it. Or you have thanked good fortune for having shown you the way, and not bothered to think about it. What is this power? Why have you not used it more […]

Kingdon L. Brown – Activating Cosmosis To Transform Your Life || EP 862

Every life is controlled by the hidden energy of the universe.  Today many people are using this power for eternal benefit.  They have learned how to use Cosmosis. This is an ancient guide to the power of cosmosis. With cosmosis you will be what you want to be, and do what you want to do. […]

Jane Roberts – Seth On Telepathy || EP 861

The term “telepathy” has been used mainly to express what can best be called “thought transference,” without communication through usual methods. Clairvoyance has generally been used to express extrasensory knowledge of future events. But in my experience, the two are so closely related that many times it is difficult to distinguish between them. Nor do […]

Magnetizing What You Want || EP 856

Drawing the objects, forms, money, and people you want into your life is easier when you work with energy and magnetism before you take action. Creating with energy is done by getting quiet and relaxed, and then bringing images, symbols, and pictures of what you want into your mind. Magnetizing what you want requires generating […]

You Are A Field (The Secret To The New Earth) || EP 854

You are not a solid. You are a vibration. You are an energy field that has connections to absolutely all other energy fields in the universe. You are connected to them through a series of orders of magnitude and reality – Q’uo -2002 Research from Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunn of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies […]

Q’uo -On Ritual and Magic || EP 852

What is your opinion of the use which ritual magic makes of repeated ritualized behavior to seek and serve the Creator? It seems to utilize the doubling effect in that each repetition of the ritual seems to increase the seeker’s desire and purity to seek and serve the Creator. Would Q’uo please describe how we, […]

You Are The Source || EP 849

One of the most important things that you can learn is that you are the source of your prosperity. You are the source of your abundance. Believe you can have an abundance of money doing what you love to do. This podcast will help you move from where you are to where you want to […]

The Power Of The Light A Walk In Testimonial || EP 848

In Ruth Montgomeries books Threshold of Tommorow and Aliens Among Us, Bjorn Ortenheim, a Swedish scientist-inventor was introduced and amazing story of his walk in experience was explained. Montgomery claimed Ortenheim has Einstein walk in.  It turns out there is much more to this story. As I did further research I found his amazing book […]