Joe Longa is an amazing person and the host of the longa life podcast, plus he has one of the best beards in the business. I really enjoyed my last interview with Joe on a variety of topics. This is a special episode dedicated to dynamic breathing. This is not just an interview join us […]
Tag Archives: reality revolution
…At all costs, we must realize that we have two forms of breathing, one of the spirit and one of the body. The breathing of the spirit depends on the fibers that come from the brain, and the breathing of the body depends on the blood vessels that come from the heart and from the […]
Achieve the life you deserve and desire using the tools of the most highly effective manifesters. Manifestation expert Mandy Morris shares eight powerful manifestation secrets based on divine guidance, scientific research, and a decade of work that are fast, effective, and proven. Noted manifestation expert, Mandy Morris, shares the eight powerful manifestation techniques she has […]
There is one misundertstanding regarding prayer. We read prayers and declare our desires and heartfel thoughts that are written on our heart. But do we listen to the answer? To truly pray is to listen. If I were to tell you the secret path to overcome your problems would hear me if you repeatedly asked […]
Here you will see the mighty oceans of magnetism that fill the universe and operate within every human mind can actually be controlled and directed to produce riches, power. love and happiness. As Norvell promises, “You can lterally command the invisible cosmic force and magnetism to do anything you desire and it will work for […]
Guide Your Soul’s Path with the Invisible Library of Ultimate Knowledge Journey into the divine depths of the Akashic Records and access your unique soul information. Packed with hands-on exercises―including past-life healing, psychic protection, and meeting otherworldly guides―this groundbreaking book empowers you to find meaningful answers to life’s most important questions. The Akashic Records consist […]
I get many messages on imagination. People struggle to properly imagine. Do you know the true secret to imagining? The New Earth Activation trainings – Immerse yourself in 12 hours of content focused on the new earth with channelings, meditations, advanced training and access to the new earth Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full […]
This was a wonderful interview. Granddaughter Crow carries a rich experience and heritage of spiritual wisdom and it was so much fun to talk to her. “I am here to inspire, encourage, and empower you to be your authentic self.” Joy “Granddaughter Crow” Gray has received a BS in business management as well as a […]
The Hero’s Journey is an archetypal story pattern, common in ancient myths as well as modern day adventures. The concept of the Hero’s Journey was described by mythologist Joseph Campbell in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces and refined by Christopher Vogler in his book The Writer’s Journey. This arhetypal pattern may be […]
Many people who have studied metaphysics and started to use it successfully have changed their lifestyle. Things seem to drop away from them that seemed quite important not too long before. Some give up smoking. Some cut down on drinking to only an occasional glass of wine. Some no longer enjoy steak, roast beef, and […]