Tag Archives: reality revolution

Paul Selig – Entering The Upper Room || EP 1250

“We stand before you today in preparation for your work, for your capability and great capacity to be re-known, to be rendered anew. Each of you here has chosen, at one level or another, that the lives you have lived may be altered, re-known, sung in a higher tone, a higher key. Each of you […]

Reality Is Communicating With You || EP 1232

Let me tell you a personal story of something that happened to me recently and the way it taught me about the nature of reality and the ways it reflects what is happening within you. Reality is communicating with you. What message does it have? Buy My Art – Unique Sigil Magic and Energy Activation […]

Preston Smiles On High Performance Service || EP 1231

Preston Smiles, born in Compton and raised in Los Angeles, is no stranger to a life of adventure. As a teen he joined a local gang that was first involved in petty theft but later escalated into more dangerous crimes. One night when Preston was fifteen, he was faced with a decision to take a […]

Changing Your Energetic Pattern For Money Flow || EP 1223

Your life and wealth is based on your energetic pattern. One business will work for one person and never for another. You energy flows in a unique pattern that fits perfect into the energy pattern of certain businesses. In understanding your energy you can move into a state of money flow by changing your energetic […]

Guided Meditation – Happily Ever After Wish Fulfilled Bliss Harmony || EP 1220

This meditation is designed to create a wonderfully perfect future in which you experience your happily ever after in bliss fulfilled harmony using affirmation and quantum codes. Please check out my previous episodes that discuss what these codes are and how to use them Buy My Art – Unique Sigil Magic and Energy Activation Through […]

1 Hour Of Affirmations For Better Health || EP 1216

Your health is in your mind. Reprogram your subconscious and reprogram your health. Listen to these affirmations to change you core health beliefs and see a change in your health. Tickets are now available for Reality Con 3 a live virtual event on November 18-20th. https://realityrevolutioncon.com/tickets Buy My Art – Unique Sigil Magic and Energy […]

The Art Of Receiving || EP 1212

It is better to give than to receive. Oh, but is it? It’s a belief I’ve begun to question. There’s an art to both. In order to receive, there has to be a giver in the equation. Giving, when done from a healthy place, is joyful. When you struggle to receive you deprive the giver […]

Holly Hallowell On The Anahata Codes And Waterbending || EP 1211

Holly Hallowell (Anahata) shares practical magic for modern-day Alchemists who REALLY want to create the lives they dream of (in physical form). From where you are, to where you want to be, merely change the energy and voila. All is yours. And OURS already! The key is understanding all three planes: mind, body and soul. […]

Catherine Ponder – Your Genius Powers Of Prosperity || EP 1209

In addition to normal powers of observation and perception, all people possess the deeper mind qualities of intuition and creative imagination, as well as special power. People whom the world considers to be of genius caliber are those who have had the courage and confidence to listen to their intuition and creative imagination, and who […]

Guided Meditation Quantum Codes For Shifting Realities || EP 1206

Here using quantum codes and grabovoi codes I help you to shift into a parallel reality. Please check out my previous episodes on art magic and grabovoi and quantum codes for a deeper discussion of what these codes are and how they work. I included The Quantum Healing Codes 42 88 112 to heal timeline […]