My intention with this meditation is to clear my negative energy, fill every cell with light, to return to normal sleeping patterns, to release traumas, to release contracts, to change any conditions needed to bring wellness, to raiss our life force energy, to trade all pain for peace, to integate my condition with grace and […]
Tag Archives: reality revolution meditation
This meditation was inspired by the powerful affirmation given by Paul Selig and his guides in his most recent book resurrection. Declaring these words has been like a lightning blast. When I declared these words I experienced a powerfully transcendant shift in my reality. Say this and declare this with me: I am choosing […]
The Goal of this meditation is to help you to achieve your greatest desire. Here we invoke unique angelic energies guiding you through a powerful meditation and ritual that calls on the angels and their powers to aid you in climbing the ladder of desire. We invoke the middle pillar and do a version of […]
This uses a power affirmation from Waxela Sananda that allows you to receive the activation codes followed by the beautiful Gayatri mantra. I receive the divine codes I activate the divine codes within and through me I am the light, I am the frequency, I am the Source of divinity, I am the Christ Consciousness […]
On this wonderful Christmas day we celbrate the birth of the christ within you. This meditation will awaken and bring you to the god presence within you. Merry Christmas every day as we celebrate the wonderful birth of the christ within. Hold the baby in you hands and look into the eyes of your god […]
There is a vast galactic internet beyond the akashic record shared by all the stars. Here information is relayed about the system of every star in the universe. Through a sunspot I take you into the center of the sun and connect you to this galactic internet. Here you will receive the most amazing downloads. […]
This was inspired by meditations created by Anthony Norvel using guides and affirmations designed to open the door to cosmic powers. Alternate Universe Reality Activation get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the reality con and the 90 day AURA meditation schedule Listen my book on audible BUY MY BOOK! […]
Meditation starts 1:10 ? This powerful meditation is designed to increase the light and love in your life and when done in groups it will massively increase the love and light around you and on the planet as a whole. Collectively one of the most powerful thing we can do is to project and spread […]
Meditation starts 1:26 ? Souls planning to Ascend to become an Ascended Master are required to have completed spiritual initiations as taught within the Seven Temples of Ascension. Duplicates of each accession temple are available for your use Many humans on Earth have completed some of the initiations in one or more of these Ascension […]
The Cosmic Grid is an energy field (mesh-like) which surrounds Earth and the Upper Layers. It contains Universal energies, which if “tapped into”, can assist healing, knowledge and manifestation for the Highest Intent. The intention of this meditation is to awaken the charkras using mantras and mudras, to activate the Merkabah and then link to […]