Tag Archives: prosperity meditation

Guided Meditation – Manifest The Perfect Bank Balance || EP 1423

Sometimes what we need to manifest is not physical object but a bank balance. This meditation is designed to put you into that perfect state where you can properly imagine the bank balance of your dreams. Soon you will see  this balance on your screen and in the mail. Test the power of your imagination […]

10 minutes You Are Prosperous Wealth Affirmations || EP 1210

By repeated request I have been asked to create a new 10 minute affirmation financial affirmation episode. If all you have is 10 minutes try these affirmations. I am using the YOU ARE affirmations from the You Are Prosperous Sleep Meditation. Use this to inspire, motivate and change your subconscious in just 10 minutes.  I […]

Guided Meditation I AM Prosperous 111hz 777hz || EP 157

<iframe height=”200px” width=”100%” frameborder=”no” scrolling=”no” seamless src=”https://player.simplecast.com/ba034ea8-1c78-47cd-a36e-b514106731d4?dar This is a simple meditation, with the the repetition of the phrase I am prosperous, repeatedly in both ears binaurally which induces deeper trance induction and thus enhancing the effectiveness. The music by Mettaverse as always will elevate you to a higher plane of prosperity consciousness. I read […]

500+ Financial Wealth and Abundance Affirmations with Binaural Trance Induction (DELTA WAVE) | EP63

In this episode, I massively amplify your practice of using financial affirmations. induce a deep form of programmable trance that allows you to change your belief structures about money. This is incredibly effective. If you got a chance to listen to the deep sleep meditation episode floating in eternity (https://youtu.be/29FSzA0qdPk ) we used binaural double […]


One of the best uses of deep sleep programming is to adjust your wealth mindset. Sometimes it is difficult to change our core beliefs about money. By using sleep programming you can fundamentally alter your beliefs about money and develop a prosperity consciousness that will change the world around you. Suddenly you will have new […]