Tag Archives: power of awareness

Unleash Your Power || EP 1623

In a world often cloaked in shadows of doubt, where the cacophony of external voices attempts to drown out the whispers of your inner potential, I am here to declare that you are a creator, an architect of dreams, a maestro of your destiny. The canvas of your life is blank, waiting for the vivid […]

Power Shift || EP 1434

What image do you think of when you think of Power? What does power mean to you? We have all had situations in our families, school and work in which people carry power over us. But there is a greater power. How do we reconcile this power, how do we use it. It is time […]

Neville Goddard They Did Not Die || EP 572

Tonight’s subject is “They Did Not Die.” It is possibly the most difficult subject to discuss, but I’ll do my best. We turn to the greatest of all books, the Bible, and so the Old Testament really is prophetic history: Everything in it will come to pass, everything. So we turn to the 51st chapter […]

Neville Goddard The Mystery Of Christmas || EP 558

The Mystery Of Christmas Neville Goddard 12/9/68 Here we are facing one of the great mysteries of the Christian faith, Christmas. The world interprets it as secular history, that this event took place where this little boy was born in some supernatural manner. The whole vast world heard that story and they continue to believe […]

Neville Goddard The True Story Of Christmas || EP 550

Well, this is our closing night for a little while. We close tonight and reopen on January the 5th, which is really three weeks from tonight. I will not be sending notices. I will take an ad in the Times just about a week or a few days before we reopen, so do not expect […]