Tag Archives: personal development

The Integral Laws Of Prosperity || EP 1192

While not comprehensive here I attempt to go over some the intergral laws of prosperity. I discuss the law of radiation and attraction, the vacuum law, the law of command, the law of increase, the law of persistence and the law of love and harmony. While there are numerous laws that play a role in […]

Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill (Unabridged Audiobook- With Chapter By Chapter Commentary) || EP 913

THE PODCAST EDITION IS MUCH LOWER QUALITY DUE TO FILE SIZE. Be sure to check out the youtube version for better quality Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is the ultimate success classic, timeless, powerful and profound. This book changed my life. Once I read this book I was able to conceptualize a path […]

Interview with Ken Coscia – International Silva Trainer – On The SIlva Method || EP 709

Ken Coscia – International Training Director Ken Coscia, the International Training Director for all Silva Instructors, has facilitated transformation and coached over 200,000 people from all over the world in live training. Ken is committed to The Silva Method and the mission of enriching the planet by empowering the individual. He has been teaching the […]

Interview with Rafael Eliassen on Personal Development, Inspiration and Entrepreneurship || EP 575

Rafael Eliassen is a coach and motivational speaker who helps to inspire and motivate his clients. He has great advice on thinking and personal development. Rafael has been working on personal development since he was 19. I wanted to learn from his journey and learn about his path to a becoming a life coach and […]

Anthony Norvell How To Tap The Divine Mind Power Currents Of The Cosmos || EP 467

There is a vast tidal wave of cosmic power that ebbs and flows throughout the interstices of the universe. It is this creative intelligence of the Cosmic Mind that created all things and which sustains the universe.  When you once learn how to tap the divine mind power currents of the cosmos you will be […]

Prentice Mulford – Thought Currents || EP 445

“Love is an element which though physically unseen is as real as air or water. It is an acting, living, moving force… it moves in waves and currents like those of the ocean.” ― Prentice Mulford We need to be careful of what we think and talk. Because thought runs in currents as real as […]

Napoleon Hill The Power Of Your Mind || EP 390

The Power of Your Mind The human mind is a composite of many qualities and tendencies. It consists of likes and dislikes, optimism and pessimism, hatred and love, constructiveness and destructiveness, kindness and cruelty. The mind is made up of all these qualities and more. It is a blending of them all, some minds showing […]


I am so excited to share this meditation with you. In this meditation, you will learn how to time travel. Yes, that’s right, just like Marty Mcfly you will be able to go back and change your past. You will be able to go forward in time to see the impact of your choices. Obviously, […]

Guided Meditation: The Transdimensional Nexus Meditation | Ep 42

There is an incredible place that I want to take you. A powerful place that allows you to explore all of your parallel realities. Guiding you through several breathing techniques this meditation will lift your consciousness and allow you to move into a higher state that will allow you to travel to the interdimensional nexus. […]