Tag Archives: occult lectures

Manly P Hall – The Mystery Of The Apocalypse

Subjected to more criticism than any other book now incorporated in the New Testament, the Apocalypse — popularly accredited to St. John the Divine — is by far the most important but least understood of the Gnostic Christian writings. Though Justin Martyr declared the Book of Revelation to have been written by “John, one of […]

Astral Influences And Entities || EP 786

Here we explore theosophical and occult writings on the subject of astral influences and those entities that exist the realm of the astral plane. There are a variety of invisible entities that may play a role in our reality and here we get a breakdown of these entities “It has been ordained that man, like […]

Manly P Hall On The Book Of Revelation || EP 474

It was the wish of Martin Luther that the Book of Revelation should be omitted from his translation of the Bible. In his opinion, the Apocalypse was of pagan origin, and was not a writing of the beloved John. It was filled with Hermetic inferences and strange allegories which troubled the soul of the great […]

Manly P Hall Special Class On The Stanzas Of Dzyan In The Secret Doctrine || EP 338

In The Secret DoctrineThe Stanzas of Dzyan are, according to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky part of the Book of Dzyan of Tibetan origin. The Stanzas form the basis for The Secret Doctrine, one of the foundational works of the theosophical movement written by Mme. Blavatsky.   The Stanzas and its commentaries were originally written in the […]