Tag Archives: neville

Neville Goddard – Life Has A Purpose || EP 983

Life has a purpose, and that is saying God has a purpose. You and I may have plans in conflict with God’s purpose and God allows it for a short while and you and I can realize our dreams but only within the framework of God’s plan. As we are told in the Book of […]

Neville Goddard – Summary || EP 976

Usually once a year Neville would do a lecture to summarize his teachings for that year. Neville Goddard Summary 6/29/65 Well, this being the last night, I thought I would make it a sort of summary and bring back to your mind the things that I have tried to say, how successfully I do not […]

Neville Goddard God Only Acts || EP 964

God Only Acts Neville Goddard 9/20/66 Tonight’s subject is “God Only Acts.” You may ask how could a thoughtful man born as we were born and who will die as we will die know that? Yet I tell you I know it from experience. I told you in the card that I sent you that […]

Neville Goddard – All Are Human || EP 936

Tonight’s subject is “All Are Human.” In Blake’s great Jerusalem he said, “All are men in eternity, rivers, mountains, cities, villages, all are human. And when we enter into their bosoms we walk in earth and in heaven, and when we enter into our bosoms we walk in earth and heaven; and all that we […]

Interview With Anila Reddy And Clay Mara Of The Vibe Project || EP 760

Clay Mara and Anila Reddy are two of the amazing vibe project.  A group that has come together to teach and learn about imagination primarily through the teachings of Neville Goddard.  The vibe project website is one of the most comprehensive websites gathering together Neville Goddard’s lectures in addition to a newsletter and online courses. […]

Neville Goddard The Implanted Word || EP 758

Tonight’s subject is “The Implanted Word.” We are told to “Receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your soul” (James 1:21). Now we can take this on many levels. We can take it on this level, or a psychological level, or the ultimate, the spiritual level. And we’ll take it on […]

Sleep Meditation Falling Asleep To The Wealth Fulfillled || EP 756

Meditation starts at 1:23 This is a sleep meditation designed around the powerful idea of falling asleep to the wish fulfilled.  After many requests I created one that allows you to use this technique to manifest the wealth you desire.  You can use this to imagine unlimited wealth as you fall asleep.  Fall asleep while […]

Neville Goddard Shared Experiences || EP 750

Tonight’s subject is “Shared Experiences.” In Paul’s letters to the Galatians he tells them that everyone who is taught the word shares all good things with him who teaches (6:6). Paul was not asking for material gifts, for he said in one of his letters, I have paid for every meal that I have taken […]

Neville Goddard God Enters His Shadow || EP 743

GOD ENTERS INTO HIS SHADOW  12/16/68 Neville Goddard The same technique that you and I use to achieve our objectives in this world is the technique that God the Creator uses to achieve his objectives, same technique. Now listen to these words taken from Milton, that is the poem by William Blake: “When he entered […]

Neville Goddard – The Law – Self Circumcision || EP 565

Tonight it is on the law. We are told that salvation is from the Jew, and you wonder why? Because you and I think on this level of a certain race of people, a very small minority, and salvation is from that minority. But it isn’t so, not in the Bible. So we turn to […]