Tag Archives: neville goddard meditation

Neville Goddard – Live In The Answer

Every fact is a dream made visible, so I invite you to live as though your dream were already a fact! I am convinced that every dream (desire) I have dared to live in the now has gradually and unnoticed blossomed into fact in my life. I also know, not only from personal experience but […]

Neville Goddard – Faith Is Loyalty To The Unseen Reality

You should find tonight a very helpful message. We’re told that, “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. The conviction of things not seen.” By faith, we understand the world was created by the word of God, so that things which are seen were made out of things which do not appear. If you […]

Guided Meditation Falling Into The Wish fulfilled || EP 1186

After reading the Neville lecture Inmate or Occupant (https://youtu.be/VZ2lylS4gzk) we finally have a new technique we have not tried on the podcast. In this lecture he talks about “falling” backward while you are in your bed. He claims that William Blake showed him this when they met, by falling backwards you could see the grand […]

Neville Goddard – For Hatching || EP 1134

Neville Godard For Hatching 12/8/64 Well, tonight’s subject is “For Hatching.” There is a voice in man that if you listen to it and expect it, you will at rare intervals hear it. It’s the voice of authority and it never lies. Over the years I have heard this voice. It has never led me […]

Guided Meditation – Enter Into The Image Of The Wish Fulfilled || EP 907

This meditation is inspired by Neville Goddard.  The goal is to enter into the image of the wish fulfilled. To imagine from that place.  To see and feel from it . Following this we repeat the wonderful affirmation isn’t it wonderful , something marvelous is happening now. Let me know how it goes for you, […]

Guided Meditation Giving Birth To The Christ Within || EP 900

On this wonderful Christmas day we celbrate the birth of the christ within you.  This meditation will awaken and bring you to the god presence within you.  Merry Christmas every day as we celebrate the wonderful birth of the christ within.  Hold the baby in you hands and look into the eyes of your god […]

Guided Meditation – The 10 Minute Revision Meditation || EP 761

The most powerful technique taught by Neville Goddard is the revision technique.  Previously on the channel I created a revision meditation that gos almost an hour.  After several requests I created this super short meditation designed to give you the power to revise anything in ten minute.   Through revision you can go back through […]

Interview With Anila Reddy And Clay Mara Of The Vibe Project || EP 760

Clay Mara and Anila Reddy are two of the amazing vibe project.  A group that has come together to teach and learn about imagination primarily through the teachings of Neville Goddard.  The vibe project website is one of the most comprehensive websites gathering together Neville Goddard’s lectures in addition to a newsletter and online courses. […]

Sleep Meditation Falling Asleep To The Wealth Fulfillled || EP 756

Meditation starts at 1:23 This is a sleep meditation designed around the powerful idea of falling asleep to the wish fulfilled.  After many requests I created one that allows you to use this technique to manifest the wealth you desire.  You can use this to imagine unlimited wealth as you fall asleep.  Fall asleep while […]

Sleep Meditation Falling Asleep To The Love Fulfilled || EP 681

This is a sleep meditation designed around the powerful idea of falling asleep to the wish fulfilled. After many requests I created one that allows you to use this technique to manifest the love of you dreams. You can use this to attract a specific person or your soulmate. Fall asleep while imagining your love […]