Tag Archives: miracle healing

Bliss Body Healing Activation

Experience life at its absolute fullest – where every cell in your body is alive with vibrant energy and radiant health. This is a revolutionary healing activation that will transform your entire being into a state of pure bliss and vitality. Powerful forces will merge within you, awakening your bliss body – your blueprint of […]

Guided Meditation Quantum Jumping Into Ideal Health || EP 858

After several requests I created this quantum jump into another reality where you have ideal health now.  Merging with your quantum twin and using your Bagha and plait are part of this meditation as well as a fire breath which we have used in other quantum jump meditations.  There are an infinite number of ways […]

Evelyn M. Monahan Working Wonders With Metaphysical Healing || EP 545

Famous metaphysician Evelyn Monahan shows you how to use your mind as an all-powerful force in living your life free of pain, illness and worry. One of the more spectacular cases involving the use of visualization to change or repair the body is told by Evelyn M. Monahan, a writer and lecturer who in the […]

Anthony Norvell – How To Attain The 5 Aspects Of Miracle Healing || EP 428

Anthony Norvell (1908–1990) was a popular writer and lecturer on occult and esoteric topics, particularly the uses of visualization to bend reality to the individual’s personal will. He had a gift for making arcane ideas into workable, practical, and accessible methods. For many years, he lectured weekly at New York’s Carnegie Hall. The Million Dollar […]