Tag Archives: Manifestation

Activate This Magical Phrase To Manifest Anything You Desire

I’m about to share with you what I consider to be the most powerful phrase in the universe for manifesting your desires. By listening to this I will fully activate the use of this phrase to manifest anything you desire. This isn’t just another affirmation or positive statement – this is an ancient secret hidden […]

The Wish Fulfilled Activation

There’s a profound truth that most people never realize – your desired reality already exists as a living, breathing experience, waiting for you to step into it. Think about what you truly want right now. That promotion, that relationship, that level of abundance, that perfect state of health. As you continue listening, you’ll discover how […]

Britt Berlin – Coaching Case Study: An Amazing Manifestation Success Story

I often get comments from people that I have no proof that my techniques work. That when i teach manifestation that it is nothing but wishful thinking. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I wanted to bring Britt Berlin onto the podcase. Britt is an amazing food blogger who has written an amazing cookbook […]

The Secrets Of Reality Creation By Brian Scott (Unabridged Audiobook)

Welcome to The Secrets Of Reality Creation – a comprehensive guide drawn from my most impactful episodes on the art and science of conscious reality creation. Whether you’re new to manifestation practices or looking to deepen your understanding, this audiobook brings together essential teachings that have helped thousands of viewers transform their lives. We’ll explore […]

Unlocking The Ecstasy Within

In the depths of your being lies a wellspring of ecstasy – not the fleeting kind that comes from external stimulation, but a profound state of aliveness that arises from within. This ecstasy isn’t a single note but rather a symphony composed of different elements, each contributing its unique quality to the whole. Understanding these […]

Breaking Free From The Matrix And Manifesting

Reality as we know it is both more and less than what meets the eye. The world we experience through our physical senses—the one we’ve been taught to believe is solid, unchangeable, and absolute—is in fact a sophisticated illusion, a construct that many ancient wisdom traditions and modern spiritual teachers refer to as “the matrix.” […]

Kingdon L Brown – How Cosmosis Attracts Prosperity

Every life is controlled by the hidden energy of the universe. For centuries mankind has been studying this energy in order to unlock its psychic secrets – the secrets that lead to a life of real happiness. Today many people are using this higher power for their own benefit. They have unlocked the secrets of […]

Guided Meditation – Reality Sliding

Reality Sliding is a powerful technique quite different than quantum jumping. This is a focus on moment by moment shifting through a fluid ocean of realities. This involves learning how to to tune into real realities through meditative techniques and sliding into them. I have found this to be a paradigm shifting process to take […]

Count It All Joy

We meet something at almost every turn that we think ought to be different. If we have high ideals, we may not feel satisfied to permit those conditions to remain as they are; we may even complain or antagonize. On the other hand, if our ideals be low, we may feel wholly indifferent, but then […]

How To Use Your Hidden Powers

Here I read a chapter from Walter M Germain’s Magic Power Of Your Mind on how to use your hidden powers. Germain much like Joseph Murphy taught about the powers of what he called the supraconscious. There is within you complete power over the functions and conditions of your body. This has been proved time […]