Tag Archives: manifest your dreams

Deep Sleep Meditation – Supermagnetic Abundance

This is one of my favorite prosperity sleep meditations yet. Slowly you are put in a very receptive state and as you sleep your mind is reprogrammed with powerful new abundance affirmations designed to create Super magnetic Abundance. A state of perfect attunement to the manifestation of wealth and prosperity. This combines the essence of […]

The Magnificent Life Activation

The universe has been waiting for this exact moment – when you finally step into your full potential. When you claim every blessing that’s rightfully yours. When you activate the extraordinary life that’s been waiting for you.   Your magnificent life isn’t just a distant dream – it’s already within you, waiting to be awakened. […]

Super Magnetic Abundance Activation

This is an activation. By simply listening I will activate unique energies and open up the potential for super magnetic abundance in your field.. This is a state of complete abundance magnetically attracting it from all sources. In this moment, you stand at the threshold of a profound activation – an awakening to the truth […]

Supermagnetic Abundance Affirmations

This is a collection of powerful affirmations designed to empower and give you abundance and bring you your wish fulfilled in the best possible way. This makes the magic real. These affirmations will empower your mind to shift from reaction to generation. Listen to these words, believe them, embody them, become them. Play movies in […]

Deep Sleep Meditation – Manifestation Acceleration Programming

Often times people expect their manifestations to occur far into the future. Many contact me saying “Brian is their anyway to speed up my manifestations?” Your manifestations are slow because that is how you created them. Believing in the efficient and quick manifestations of your reality can be difficult. I designed this too program your […]

Affirmations For Manifestation

This is a collection of powerful affirmations designed to empower your manifestations and give you the power to bring your wish fulfilled in the best possible way. This makes the magic real. These affirmations will empower your mind to shift from reaction to generation. Listen to these words, believe them, embody them, become them. Play […]

Manifest Your Intentions (Meditation and Exercise) || EP 1520

This is based on advanced exercises in consciousness developed by Jean Houston. Deepak Chopra called Jean “The most important person alive in the world today when it comes to human and social potential” and with good reason. While this sounds like a meditation it is more than that.  Intention is an energy that can be […]

Manifest Perfection || EP 1264

Matthew 5:48 You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. The goal of this episode is to help you to manifest perfection. Are you struggling with what you want to manifest?  Lets manifest perfection. I am not saying you need to be a perfectionist, that will only take you out of the […]

Guided Meditation Manifesting Your Dreams And Desires || EP 844

This meditation is designed to create the life you wish to have and surrender your creation to the Infinite Intelligence.  Allow space for relaxation and ease while the universe takes care of it for you. Welcome to the reality revolution Alternate Universe Reality Activation  get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from the […]

Guided Meditation Perfect Abundance And Fulfillment || EP 810

This meditation was inspired by Marion Weinsteins teaching on words of power.  This is a powerful all encompassing affirmation that when said repeatedly will change your life.   Note I have designed this with a 15 minute induction in which we countdown from 100.  This intended for those who struggle to concentrate and go into […]