Tag Archives: law of one

Q’uo The Sub Densities || EP 879

Quo “In addition to the general seven or eight densities of our octave, Ra also describes sub-densities within each density. In regards to our current third density, can you describe these sub-densities in more detail? How do we experience them and how can this knowledge help us on our spiritual journey?” This is a query […]

Q’uo – Love And Wisdom || EP 872

Our question concerns the relationship between love and wisdom, specifically, can wisdom suppress or impede in some way an opening of the green energy center? On one hand, Ra says that love and wisdom not oppose each other, but rather constitute two sides of the same coin. On the other hand, Ra says that on […]

The Law Of One – Densities Of Experience || EP 870

There has been a lot of confusion in the explanation of the word density and what 4th density truly is as it is explained in the ra material and the law of one.  Density is about complexity.  Photons of light with a greater density of information. The densities of experience are a series of environments, […]

Q’uo – On The Mysteries of Human DNA || EP 865

The long history of your peoples is preceded by an even longer, unwritten, unrecorded history of those energies and essences and individuals that made their own history at the time of what this instrument would call the last cycle change, or ice age. These entities were plummeted into service of a high second-density nature by […]

Guided Meditation Become The Field || EP 864

You are not a solid. You are a vibration. You are an energy field that has connections to absolutely all other energy fields in the universe. You are connected to them through a series of orders of magnitude and reality – Q’uo -2002 This meditation is designed for you to blend into the field, for […]

Experiments In Channeling What will happen in the coming shift to the New Earth || EP 860

This was an experiment in channeling.  I asked myself several questions in a deep meditation state and then began to translate what came to my mind.  I cover a variety of subjects including what happens in the transition to 4th density. Alternate Universe Reality Activation  get full access to new meditations, new lectures, recordings from […]

Q’uo The Seasons Of Seeking || EP 859

There is a vibration or an essence that is more and more, for the maturing spiritual seeker, the identity of that seeker. That vibration is who he is, and many things affect that vibratory rate from moment to moment, from day to day and from season to season. The seasons of your planet are more […]

You Are A Field (The Secret To The New Earth) || EP 854

You are not a solid. You are a vibration. You are an energy field that has connections to absolutely all other energy fields in the universe. You are connected to them through a series of orders of magnitude and reality – Q’uo -2002 Research from Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunn of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies […]

Q’uo -On Ritual and Magic || EP 852

What is your opinion of the use which ritual magic makes of repeated ritualized behavior to seek and serve the Creator? It seems to utilize the doubling effect in that each repetition of the ritual seems to increase the seeker’s desire and purity to seek and serve the Creator. Would Q’uo please describe how we, […]

Meditation – Activating The New Earth Social Memory Complex MUSIC ONLY EDITION || EP 851

This is a music only subliminal version of the guided meditation Activating The New Earth Social Memory Complex you can find it here https://youtu.be/0AZnZJp_psA This contains the original meditation subliminally only the music can be heard. This music only version allows you to join the social memory complex at any time and the music will […]