Tag Archives: law of attraction

How to Meditate | EP10

32:55 Recast Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, Law of Attraction, Brian Scott, Yoga, Walking Meditation KEYWORDS: transcendental meditation, meditation, law of attraction, tm, walking meditation, yoga EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary In this episode, Brian discusses Meditation. What it is, the different kinds of meditation, how to meditate and what it can do […]

Activating your pineal gland|EP9

29:45 Recast Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: third eye, new age, wilcock, dispenza, awakening, connecting to source, consciousness, pineal gland, chakra, meditation, magik, law of attraction, reality revolution, manifestation EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary In this episode Brian details the science behind the pineal gland or “third eye”. He describes how it works, […]

Hacking your emotions| EP8

25:15 Recast Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: trapped emotions, law of attraction, emotion code, reality revolution, gratitude, dr. bradley nelson, emotions, emotion revolution, jonathantripodi EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary In this episode Brian tackles the complicated subject of emotions, discussing the Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson and the idea of trapped emotions […]

Guided Meditation/Hypnosis #2: Transforming into higher states of consciousness, abundance and prosperity.| EP7

36:57 Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: relaxation, law of attraction, hypnosis, third eye, meditation, guided meditation , abundance, prosperity EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary In this guided hypnosis/meditation Brian takes you on a deeply relaxing journey through higher states of consciousness and visualizes a life of magnificent abundance and prosperity. Show Notes In […]

What is the Reality Revolution? The mindblowing movement to hack reality.| EP6

33:38 Recast Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: reality revolution, intention, placebo effect, manifestion, consciousness, drdispenza, fear, law of attraction, singularity, love over fear, abraham, quantum physics EXPLICIT:No Episode Summary This episode discusses the ways we are experiencing a quantum shift in the world. A new Reality Revolution. We are becoming more aware […]

Hacking your subconscious mind| EP5

EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: subconscious mind, sleep masks, sleep phones, dream yoga, hypnosis, law of attraction EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary The power of the subconscious mind is truly amazing. With incredible power, the subconscious mind regulates the automatic functions of the body and is able to process information at unimaginable rates of […]

Guided Meditation: A guided quantum journey to your greatest potential timeline and highest self | EP4

Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: meditation, higher self, quantum meditation, guided quantum journey, qhht, law of attraction EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary Using a background in Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Neuro-linguistic Programming Brian gives his first guided meditation on the Reality Revolution podcast. This guided meditation is a 25 minute guided journey to […]

Quantum physics and consciousness | EP2

Quantum physics and consciousness  29:21 minutes Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: dispenza, meditation, fredericdodson, double slit experiment, dr. joe dispenza, thoughts, consciousness, law of attraction, vadimzeland, parallel realities, void, quantum physics, transurfing, creating your own reality EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary Brian explores the concepts of quantum physics, the double slit experiment, quantum […]

The First Episode – An Intoduction | Ep 1


Recast Details EPISODE TYPE: Full CONTRIBUTORS: Brian Scott KEYWORDS: reality transurfing, manifestation, manifestation, mindfulness, parallel realities, quantum jumping, law of attraction, hacking reality, meditation channeling EXPLICIT: No Episode Summary In the first Episode, Brian discusses a miraculous experience in which he survives a dangerous home invasion at the culmination of a spiritual awakening. Everything from […]