Tag Archives: law of attraction

Practical Psychomancy and Crystal Gazing by William Walker Atkinson Unabridged Audiobook || EP 130

William Walker Atkinson (December 5, 1862 – November 22, 1932) was an attorney, merchant, publisher, and author, as well as an occultist and an American pioneer of the New Thought movement. He is the author of the pseudonymous works attributed to Theron Q. Dumont and Yogi Ramacharaka. He wrote an estimated 100 books, all in […]

Sleep Meditation – (Neville Goddard) Using Your Imagination To Fall Asleep From The Wish Fulfilled || EP 129

On the last episode of the reality revolution I discussed a really profound teaching by Neville Goddard on how to use the imagination. (you can see it here https://youtu.be/0TrvXz-b7lo) In that teaching Goddard recommends a sleep meditation with three steps 1. Revise the previous day and imagine everything worked in your favor. Essentially traveling through […]

Understanding Neville Goddard and How To Use The Imagination || EP 128

Neville Goddard was a prophet, profoundly influential teacher, and author. He did not associate himself as a metaphysician, with any ‘ism’ or ‘New Thought’ teaching as commonly advertised by these collective groups. His teachings have become very popular and are often misunderstood. In his early lectures and books Neville dealt solely with what he called […]

Interview with Frederick Dodson – Writer, Life Coach, Law of Attraction Expert, Parallel Reality Specialist EP|| 121

This was incredible. I actually got to interview my hero Frederick Dodson. Without Frederick Dodson there would be no reality revolution podcast. We owe everything to him and his deep explorations of consciousness, the law of attraction and parallel reality. Frederick Dodson is one of the best writers ever. He is a prolific metaphysical writer […]

Interview with Tom Douce of Infinite Creations – Neville Goddard, Reality Transurfing, Law of Attraction || EP 120

This was a fascinating interview with Tom Douce of Infinite Creations Tom has a great channel where he talks about Neville Goddard, the subconscious mind, law of attraction and Abraham. We had a great interview and we talked about 11:11, the plait, finding your specific person, his visit to an Ashram in India, and Neville […]

Understanding Energy in Transurfing EP|| 119

This episode is a deep dive on Chapter 11 of Reality Transurfing which is about Energy. To practice Transurfing effectively you have to have a relatively powerful energy field. As Vadim Zeland explains, “You may think that your health is quite good as it is but not really know what true health feels like. If […]

Interview with Dr. Dawson Church – Writer and Expert in EFT, Epigenetics, Energy Psychology, Physics, Meditation || EP 113

In his foreword to Mind to Matter, Dr. Joe Dispenza calls Dawson Church a super mind. After you hear this interview you will see what Dr. Dispenza was talking about. Dawson Church, PhD, is an award-winning author whose best-selling book, The Genie in Your Genes, has been hailed as a breakthrough in the field of […]

Guided Hypnosis: Riding the Alternatives Flow || EP 103

The intention of this meditation is to help you ride the alternatives flow. In a previous episode of the Reality Revolution (https://youtu.be/16OT1jOiOzY) I did a deep dive on the Alternatives Flow as discussed by Vadim Zeland in his book Reality Transurfing. Using this information I created this meditation/hypnosis to move your mind into the alternatives […]

Understanding the Alternatives Flow in Reality Transurfing || EP 102

This episode continues a series in which I do deep dives on Reality Transurfing chapters as a form of research to create a meditation. This episode I go over Chapter 6 the Alternatives Flow, one of the best chapters in the book. As Vadim Zeland says, “The alternatives flow is a truly sumptuous gift for […]