Tag Archives: law of attraction

Frank Rudolph Young – Banish Tension Using Pyscho Astral Power Using The Mind Navel (W/ Meditation) || EP 549

Psychastra (Psycho-Astral Power) is the magic key to unsurpassable secret power….They discovered it concealed in the innermost sanctums of the psychic masters of Egypt, India, Africa, and the West Indies. Here Frank Rudolph Young who we last heard about in the episode on the Mind Navel talks about a unique technique of using your astral […]

Get Rid Of Feelings Of Inferiority And Gain Confidence || EP 546

We meet massively talented people all the time who never realise their dreams because they just lacked that little bit of confidence to take the next step. We can find our confidence in a moment ou are unique; there is no one in all the world like you, because you are you. Your thumbprint and […]

Evelyn M. Monahan Working Wonders With Metaphysical Healing || EP 545

Famous metaphysician Evelyn Monahan shows you how to use your mind as an all-powerful force in living your life free of pain, illness and worry. One of the more spectacular cases involving the use of visualization to change or repair the body is told by Evelyn M. Monahan, a writer and lecturer who in the […]

Guided Meditation Reflections Of Inner Joy || EP 542

The whole world can be seen as a gigantic dual mirror. On one side of the mirror lies the physical Universe and on the other side of the mirror lies the metaphysical alternatives space. All around you is an intelligent 3-dimensional mirror that reflects back to you but tries to hide that it is a […]

Interview With Joseph Rodrigues On Flow, Entrepreneurship, And Achieving Your Chief Definite Aim || EP 540

Joseph Rodrigues has one of my favorite channels, our content is very similar.  His work is amazing and he has deep discussions on personal development & business books based on his life experience. You can find his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/JosephRodrigues/ It was great to talk with Joseph and we went a full hour and a […]

Frank Rudolph Young Using The Mind Navel For Psycho Astral Power || EP 538

Psychastra (Psycho-Astral Power) is the magic key to unsurpassable secret power….They discovered it concealed in the innermost sanctums of the psychic masters of Egypt, India, Africa, and the West Indies. Here Frank Rudolph Young who we last heard about in the episode on the Khudd Ozonta talks about a unique technique of using your astral […]

Raymond Charles Barker – The Cause And Cure For The Common Cold And Sickness (With Treatment) || EP 532

You cannot afford to have the common cold, viruses, sinus troubles, postnasal drips, etc. They are a tremendous waste of time, energy and money. They are of no value and they teach us no lessons.“Americans will spend Three Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars ($350,000,000.00) on the prevention and cure of the common cold during the […]

Dr Joseph Murphy Love Is Freedom || EP 529

God is love, and when true love in the heart unites a man and a woman together, that is actually God joining a couple in a sacred covenant. When there is a true, spiritual union between two people (God hath joined), there is-no divorce, for none is wanted. They blend spiritually, mentally, and physically. There […]

The Soul Retrieval Meditation || EP 528

Souls reside within a paradox. On the one hand, they are whole and complete miniatures of God, “sparks of Divinity,” and on the other hand they seem fragile and ready to splinter into millions of pieces. Neither perception is entirely accurate. The soul is a vast ray of light, bigger than anything in the physical […]

Howard E Hill Imagination The Magic Key That Unlocks The Mind || EP 526

Howard E Hill was an interesting character from the sixties that was published by Parker Publishing. Hill was a cousin of William Randolph Hearst. He worked in the newspaper business and in public relations.  He wrote a wonderful book called How To Create The Big Idea which sold millions of copies. He taught journalism and […]