Tag Archives: law of attraction money

Deep Sleep Meditation – The Opulence Upgrade

This is the new opulence upgrade sleep meditation. I had released a version of this several months ago but had to redo it and make it even better! The intention of this sleep meditation is for you to upgrade your life into one of opulence and luxury. An “Opulence Upgrade” is a concept that encompasses […]

Catherine Ponder – Pray And Prosper

You are prosperous to the degree that you are experiencing peace, health, and plenty in your world. Prayer can help you experience peace, health, and plenty, because prayer is man’s steady effort to know God, and God is the source of all man’s good. Thus, in prayer man makes common union with God and His […]

Guided Meditation – The Complete Payment Of All Financial Obligations

The intention of this meditation is for you to pay of all your debts. This is created around one of my favorite affirmations of all time that I learned from Catherine Ponder I am so happy and grateful for the complete payment of all financial obligations in God’s own wonderful way.

Catherine Ponder – Dare To Prosper

Prosperity comes not by chance but in accordance with absolute law. Charles Fillmore has said: “The law of supply is a divine law. This means that it is a law of mind and must work through mind.” In other words, the peace, health, and plenty of prosperity must come through prosperous thinking. The mind can […]

Catherine Ponder – How To Make Your Master Demonstration

Another success secret known throughout the ages is that receiving can also make you rich! You must receive as well as give in order to be truly successful in life. Many fine people give and give with no true understanding that they need to be just as willing to receive, in order to bring balance […]

Catherine Ponder – Using Secret Imaging Power For Prosperity

Where there is inharmony, picture love, understanding, standing, good will. Where there is lack, picture abundance. Where there is ill health, picture wholeness. Where there is confusion, picture peace. This occult power for success is so important that we find it emphasized not only in the life of Abraham, ham, but also later in Genesis […]

Deep Sleep Meditation – Ask And You Shall Receive

Join me in a new sleep meditation and unlock the power of your subconscious mind with “Ask And You Shall Receive” – a transformative deep sleep meditation. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he […]

Deep Sleep Meditation The Opulence Upgrade

This is a deep sleep meditation to manifest a reality brimming with prosperity, wealth, and richness. This is an odyssey into the deepest realms of prosperity consciousness, a voyage to discover the untapped potential within you. You stand at the precipice of your greatest dreams, the summit of infinite possibilities. You too can experience the […]

The Opulence Upgrade || EP 1609

Welcome to a journey of transformation, a pathway to not just envision but to manifest a reality brimming with prosperity, wealth, and richness. This is not just another episode of the podcast; this is an odyssey into the deepest realms of prosperity consciousness, a voyage to discover the untapped potential within you. You stand at […]

Break Through The Barrier That Limits Your Prosperity || EP 1513

William E Edwards book Ten Days To A Great New Life outlines a way of thinking big about your financial goals and manifesting it.  Imagine taking what you are doing now and increasing by 10 times. This is a level of consciousness that you need  move to and work on like a muscle. Are you […]